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Everything posted by Steph

  1. The clear area glows yellow? My first thought, on texture, was Cairo Novelty. I have some lightly glowing Cairos but the two in my small set which glow didn't have blue. My second thought was Heaton, because that's usually my second thought if Cairo is one of the possibilities. And I was pretty sure I had some Heatons -- I KNOW I do -- I GOTTA. But I'm not seeing them where I expected. So can't check that. So then the next thought was just to wave my blacklight over all my identified swirls. I have some bright glowing coming from my Jacksons -- and one of the glowers has blue and a clear base, but it also has off-white, not white, and it's the off-white which is lighting up. My Champions got depleted when half of my Champs got turned into Alleys overnight. (They were dug at the Champ site, but the Champ site was right next to the Alley site, and they turned out to be Alleys.) No significant glowers left in my known Champs. (Maybe one with some orange glow.) No significant glowers in my known Ravenswoods. Keep in mind I'm working with small samples. Plenty of glow in my Alleys, but none in my samples which look closest to yours. Not that any look very close, but I do have some Alley with white and blue in clear. Just not sure the texture is that close to yours on the white.
  2. I'll say Slag. And lean Akro, unless you have a nice long seam on another side of it.
  3. Lovely! I should try that with my amber D.A.S.'s ... ("Rootbeer Float" is of course a name which has been claimed for another marbles style, so the marble cops WILL come out on that. Darn cops.) I don't know if anyone will recognize a maker. "Transparent swirls" ... tricky, tricky. But maybe someone will recognize the white texture as distinct ....
  4. Hey, plastic toy runs are cool too. Everybody is welcome. Gotta start somewhere. I STILL wish I had one when I was a kid. But I do love Michael's. Looks like he used buttons for his bumper obstacles Is that right? I like buttons almost as much as I like marbles. Very creative.
  5. So ... a swirl with a white-lined orange ribbon in a crystal clear base? I do NOT recognize it.
  6. Hi Michael. LOL ... cute intro. Nice start. The race was fun ... even though my guy lost ... and I liked the card decorations and the everyday components (pretty bowl). Part of the race looked like it went uphill, so that was a little weird ... but not in a bad way. heh
  7. I like. Two, two, two marbles in one. Excellent feature piece to show your neighbors and suck them into loving Vitros!
  8. In addition to all the marbles, I just found the 1967 edition of the little booklet called The Game of Marbles, by Shirley "Windy" Allen, National Marbles Champion of 1951. I did not remember having it, but there it is in a bubble wrap envelope from Ant. This is better than ebaying!
  9. I checked the address before I asked and saw "Markhor", but I figured that was just a person's name. Never heard of that beastie.
  10. ... you've made me think of a game ... describe a marble verbally and then get people to guess what it is just from the words. That could be a party game for a marble convention! But for now ... definitely need a picture. So many things this could be.
  11. Took the words right out of my mouth.
  12. Hmmmm ... how about drawing a little farther away for a little more focus ... and for me stalling .... Or, how about putting it underwater ... something to highlight the inner structure.
  13. One vote for Vitro Cosmic Rainbo.
  14. Argh ... yes I think I would probably say swirls to both. I immediately got a swirl feel on the top one. The bottom one made me say, "I see why she's asking!" But I'll vote "swirl". Yes for sure to horsehair oxblood.
  15. Inspired by the notice that Ann had posted in Brian's ... ahem ... Miller machine thread.
  16. P.s. forgot to say welcome! It's not too unusual for a crack to occur internally. Makes for an interesting visual effect.
  17. Wow ... nature .... Whatizzit?
  18. I tried to put a note in the gallery ... but I don't know if/where the note showed up! So forgive me for repeating myself here if you can actually see the note. Agree with the halo being a fracture. Don't know where it's from. With the banana inside I wonder if it _could_ be Peltier ... since Peltier did have some tinted bananas. Foreign is a strong chance. For my third choice, I was considering Master.
  19. I'll go with Peltier Rainbos. Sweet shades.
  20. Steph

    ID 1

    What she said! Thanks for the pix, Ann. "Veiling" ... that's a good description.
  21. I don't know when that bag is from. It doesn't look like the oldest Marble King style ... but which decade? I'm too sleepy to remember if I should even know. I shouldn't be checking my computer this late! 'nite. Older Marble King design: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/19033-1953/
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