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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Neat! You don't see those often. Well, I don't anyway.
  2. Oooops, someone forgot something. Don't have many yellow jackets at all. Mine are all normals.
  3. Beautiful sculptures. LOL at the end. Nice place to put on a marble tour itinerary. Thanks for sharing. .... and congrats on 75,000 subs!
  4. Here's the Google translate link ... at least the one they gave me ... it case it works for you. The "Mr. roll your ball blog". https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Froule-ta-bille.over-blog.com%2F&edit-text=&act=url
  5. It's not loading right for me. I get a blank area where I'm probably supposed to be seeing the game.
  6. If the rest of this one looks about like this -- no clear 9 and no obvious seams, then I'll vote Akro slag here. The 1920's version. (That would be the gobfed version -- not handgathered.)
  7. That is a handgathered slag. Could be one of the earliest American machine-made marbles. Quite possible M.F. Christensen. The little indented crease is called a "cutline". The other side has what we call a "nine and tail". (I see you mentioned the nine.) What you're seeing as a pontil might be a chip or an airbubble. The 9 and tail is where a little extra bit of glass was quickly whirled around the end of the marble before the person snipped at the cutline and dropped the molten ball onto the marble rollers. So in the general course of things no punty would have been touching the marble at that particular spot on the end. If it's MFC, it dates back to between 1903 and 1917. Other companies also made handgathered marbles, but no one will call the marble cops if you assume MFC here.
  8. Only one semester of French for me. Wonder if there is some government official who might know that kind of thing. (Was trying to remember what we did in the Long Ago before The Time of Google. It's so distant now but I remember asking librarians and government clerks. Or my mother. She was a librarian. :D)
  9. How hard should it be to find the name of the French company ... since we know there was one?
  10. He did find some marbles I had misplaced. Maybe I'll decide I have something to post tomorrow. I'm going to sleep now though. LOL -- he really did tire me out. I was more than a little worried about what he might throw away, so I had to tell myself over and over "let it go, it's for the best".
  11. My husband just spent two hours cleaning our living room. I'm exhausted from watching him.
  12. Here are some more dug translucents. The base on the right marble glows yellow. The left has a haze that glows. The first is without flash.
  13. The closest I can get to those from my out bunches are Jackson on the top and Cairo Novelty on the bottom, but it's really only a match in color, not so much in structure. So ..... sticking with "West Virginia swirls" here too ... but again holding out hope that someone else will recognize. At least on the purple.
  14. Here's a dug MK with the one color. Does anyone have access to the vintage "Beach Balls" with the translucent base?
  15. That is lovely. I don't recognize the exact colors but it looks like something that someone else might recognize. Definitely not your basic white + one color swirl. For now, I'll just say "West Virginia Swirl" .... but crossing my fingers that someone else can narrow it down.
  16. They look very nice together. A bowl of pearls.
  17. Yes, I like the interchangeable mazes!
  18. Steph

    What is it?

    I'm doing okay. A strange time -- my father's funeral is today -- but I'm doing okay. Thank you for asking.
  19. Not quite as distinctive -- not sure I would have been so sure if I didn't have the context of this thread -- but I think you have it.
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