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Everything posted by Steph

  1. You, Me & the Apocalypse I'm hooked!
  2. Was the giant marble in the middle a rock marble? How would they have gotten that one out? I'll continue to keep my eyes out for what the uses of the giant clays might have been. Whether industrial or play.
  3. Beautiful components, and I love the name -- I've always liked the word "murmel" --. and nice to see you. Very charming components. The cities and the polished wood. And the pinball machines. And I'm typing as I watch it -- just now I'm at the chess table. So many tricks. Nicely put together video.
  4. Found a hit on ring men! Woot woot! Described as golf ball sized marbles --- (Also saw reference to a game called "ring-men" but didn't see enough details to post.) This is from 1966 talking about the Blue Eye game, played a lot 20 years before in Blue Eye, Missouri.
  5. No! Did someone say they might not? Lemme at em!
  6. I bumped the thread for you: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/19618-william-mckinley-sulphide/ Some 20th century marble companies did goodies for political candidates. Don't know about it often being presidential ... But Akro and Master had some political things. And Peltier had a couple of president names on picture marbles. (I think two.) Well, don't want to sidetrack this thread, so there's the link to the sulphide thread.
  7. Bump for sclsu. The Morphy link again: http://morphyauctions.hibid.com/lot/17755027/president-mckinley-campaign-sulfide-marble-?tab=0&cpage=5
  8. Any cross-over with marbles? I remember a sulphide which had an 1800's presidential slogan in it, but folks were suspicious about it. It was such an obscure slogan that I wanted it to be the real deal. Was an odd thing for someone to study up on and then create in modern times.
  9. What were the other 10%? This doesn't look Vitro to me. *scratching head* Mossy base?
  10. Browsing through the old posts looking for one of the pix of my magazine collection ..... guess this wasn't the thread Bump anyway coz it's a fun thread :D
  11. I can see a little sparkle there ... I'll imagine the rest. (neato)
  12. LOL @ all the spellings for peewees, and yet I still don't have all the ones I could. In 1883, they were spelled peawees. Gotta add the names from the 1883 "Marbles and Where They Come from" --- http://marbleconnection.com/topic/6682-marbles-and-where-they-come-from-1883/
  13. Current master list: Current combined list: agate, agates, aggie, aggies, allies, alley, alleys, bamboozler, blackies, blockbuster octopus, blockbusters, blood alley, bloodies, blue alley, blue candy stripes?, bolders, bowlers, bullseyes, chaney alleys, chinas, Chinas, chinee, Chinees, clayies, clearies, cloudies, combos, commies, commons, cornelian, crockie, crockies, crokers, crystals, doughie, doughies, ducks, Englishies, flinties, glass agate, glass agates, glassies, halfies, houses, kimmies, klogknocker (sp? clogknocker?), immies, knicks, man, megs, men, mibbs, mibs, middles, miggle, miggs, migs, milkies, mossies, nickers, pee-wees, peedabs, peewee's, peewees, perfects, pimples, plasters, plumpers, pot-eyes, potashes, potteries, pures, reallies, red eyes, red moonstone?, ring men, ringers, robin's eggs, root beer cleary, shooters, steelies, stony alleys, sugar-tops, taw, 3 line cleary, tiger-eyes, tolley, Tom, Tom troller, white alley, -- including all the spelling variants and singulars and plurals even if that may seem silly -- just in case -- the two question marks so far are because I wasn't sure whether the color was part of the name or just a description -- some names may not represent what we use the words for now -- for example "blackies" may be different from Vitro's version Current foreign terminology: gudes (Brazil), Torrah (Africa), bowls (England), bolitas (South America), "kicking the marbles" (China) Geordie dialect, from Tyneside in NE England: Liggies is an abbreviation of lignum vitae. Boodies were clay marbles. The penka was a large marble (up to 2.5 inches, used as a target). Other terms used include marvils, muggles, alleys, parper, scudder and taws. Blood alleys had red in the glass and snot alleys had white. A pop-alley was a pop bottle stopper used as a marble. Source: A dictionary of North-east dialect 3rd Edition - Northumbria Press.
  14. 1926 "ring men" "perfects" Gotta add those -- and Geordies' names -- to the master list.
  15. Alan pointed out this terminology once upon a time and I forgot it. Happened upon it while browsing for our old Akro references. I'm always curious about what the big marbles were used for. "ring men"
  16. tody What a pretty bird: https://www.google.com/search?q=tody&espv=2&biw=1280&bih=923&site=webhp&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj4yLPbkNvKAhVC5CYKHdVpArsQ_AUIBigB
  17. LOL. Fun. Do you give tours of your workshop?
  18. Gotta go with CAC. Pretty sure the wide majority opinion is that MFC didn't make red slags.
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