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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Another Master or Akro. Between this and the posts with the blue and red patches, it looks like your grandfather might have gotten a box of that style. So, I need to go look at boxes of Master Comets and Akro Royals to see what those are more likely to fit into.
  2. I'm inclined to think they are both Akros. My second choice would be Master. Regular size? About 5/8"? Those seams are making me waver and wonder if Master should be my first choice. Need to go looking at Master Comet boxes.
  3. Agree with Alley. I think they would be Alley Ghosts.
  4. Yes, you deserve to play. Sooooo .... Alley on the right. I think that one might be called an Alley Ghost. But wait for confirmation. And on the left, either Master or Akro. This first picture shows one of the cutlines very clearly. What does the other cutline look like?
  5. On its own I might not have a guess for it. But if it has aventurine like the rest -- and it does, right? -- then I'd keep it with the rest of the Peltier Zebras. If it doesn't have aventurine, then I'd wonder if it belonged with your Alleys. You have so many nice examples of both makers. Wish I could pick it up off the screen to try to find seams and trace ribbons.
  6. Deep greens and blues are the colors I choooooose .......
  7. What all variations are you aware of? I know of Burnt Sunset with brownish ribbons. Any others?
  8. That's fantastic! Loving it. And I never thought I'd ever look at AC/DC and say, "Aren't they adorable?" Found this background at Wiki while looking for lyrics. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wor_Geordie's_lost_his_penka And then found these lyrics which were closer. http://www.lyricsfreak.com/g/geordie/geordies+lost+his+liggie_20580384.html
  9. P.s., yes to the white stuff inside being brick from the furnace.
  10. Of course red and white on the clear bubbly base .... What others? Are bubbles required?
  11. I split your post off into a new thread. It gets really complicated to add more groups to a post after the initial group. Hard to keep track of which set is being discussed. #1 and #2 are Akro Corkscrews. #1 is sometimes called an Akro Special (three-color opaque corkscrew). I call it a Tri-Color Agate, because that's what Akro called it. #2 is a Prize Name. (two-color opaque corkscrew) #3 and #4 are Peltier Rainbos. #4 is also called a Peltier Sunset. I think that #5 is a Christensen Agate.
  12. Hey, who switched my ticket?! This one didn't match any numbers. I know that's not right.
  13. I'm gonna move this thread over to the main chat forum also ... to see if the greenish one has a special name. *Hello everybody .... Peltier name question .... .... *
  14. Well, yeah, you don't want to burn yourself out or get overwhelmed while moving. But don't be a stranger! You really have some beauts in your inheritance.
  15. Oh yeah! Just 45 minutes before I become a billionaire!
  16. They are beautiful. The personality comes through the screen.
  17. Good deal. Looks like both NLR's. And I think both Bumblebees even though the yellow bases are different shades. But I'd still like confirmation about that part -- about them both being Bumblebees even though the shades are different. Oh yes, the paler one, the left one in the first photo, looks like it's a "Broken Cork". That's a nickname for an NLR where the four ribbons connect in a way that you can trace from one end of the first all the way around to the last end of the fourth in one continuous path.
  18. Red is traditionally thought of as the most popular color. Agree there are a lot of blues all around. I don't know if that's because that color may have been easy or inexpensive to make (??) or if it was about people just liking it. Interesting question. Blue does look good against white.
  19. I'm seeing all West Virginia Swirls. (Not Akros.) Yes to Alley on the big one. Good chance of Alley on the rest.
  20. This one and the fourth marble in post #5 have what is known as lutz in them. Those are the beautiful golden flecks. I think the substance is copper or copper-based, but I'm not sure. The second and third marbles in post #5 are also cool but I don't know their names! (Doh, I really gotta learn the handmade names one day.)
  21. Peltier. National Line Rainbos. Also called NLR's. With that coloring, I think each would get the additional name of Bumblebee. Actually, more views please. Definite NLR on the right. Not 100% sure on the left. Pretty sure it's a Peltier. But it might be what we just call a Rainbo, as opposed to a National Line Rainbo. Do you see aventurine in both of them? (Roll it around in sunlight, or under a nice lamp and see if you see sparkle or shimmer in the ribbons of both.)
  22. Alley. I think each is the color combo called a "West Virginian" but wait for confirmation from someone else before you write that down.
  23. Greg, what would you call the two on the left? I would have been brave and said latticinios on the right, but I didn't know about the left.
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