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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Love it! Macaws! I do hope that name catches on. It's wonderful
  2. Akron is in Summit County. Ravenna is in Portage County. Of course the article wouldn't necessarily be accurate about the location. I remember someone posting a directory once which listed who was making marbles in any given year. Anyone remember that? Found it. It was the Thomas' Register of American Manufacturers. So, can anyone get their hands on that for 1911? Brian Graham probably knows. Need to send out a bat signal.
  3. Very cool. Wonder what that was about. Why would CAC have their own line and have another company claim their marbles also? Puzzling.
  4. Fiber optics. The little 'uns are mostly around 13/16". The smallest is about 3/8". I should try the three-color one again.
  5. The peewees are mostly around 13/16". The smallest is about 3/8". That wasn't so hard. Why do I always let it scare me? I should try the three-color one again.
  6. This shows the distinct lines I see on my fiber optics ... when their equators are in the light. Flash photo. Funny thing -- the flash changed the angle of the circle. So, this is why I'm leaning to yours not being a fiber optic. Your photo is not flash though and the resolution seems different from mine so I suppose if you took a flash photo and got a clear ring it could change my mind.
  7. The glare and the photo "texture" is making it a little tough to be sure, I think we may be looking at Vacor marbles here. Pretty sure most or all foreign.
  8. I'm not into modern music either. It was in an episode of Charmed though, and so catchy. (I've only watched the entire Charmed series about 10 times.)
  9. That was cute. Now .... Saving Mr. Banks
  10. MSG be darned, I got a box of ramen-ish noodle soups. (Actually hubby discovered that the box which I already had was the exact right size for his Atari cartridges, but he needed a second box, so more soup for me!) Buttttt ... it's very spicy and so I cook two portions of noodles with one portion of seasoning. Soooooo .... now I have a jar full of seasoning packets and am not sure what to do with them. I do occasionally pull a packet out for seasoning, but I'd like to have more ramen-ish noodles to go with them, and I don't know where to find anything at all close. Tried rice noodles and they're edible but not close enough to the same.
  11. That is stunning, Dani. BJ, that big boy bag looks so simple, yet I'm not sure I've ever seen such a neat one. Very appealing.
  12. Which Brady kid are you closest to? I have your birthday down to one of two days ... I shamefully admit still not being sure which of the two ... but not the year. (Message me!)
  13. All the Brady Kids are older than I am. I would have guessed I was close to Jan's age.
  14. About to start Girl Meets World ......
  15. Anyone have any fiber optic marble pix handy? I can take some if I need to. I should practice with my camera. But if you have some on file already .....
  16. I'm leaning to it not being fiber optic. For the fiber optics in my box, the white circle is fairly distinct and moves as you move the marble around. Does your white circle shimmer? I'll try to get some pictures and see what my camera makes 'em look like.
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