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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I remember that style in my parents' bathroom but can't remember if I've ever used a razor like that. When did the little bic and gillette disposable ones come out?
  2. That blue and green one hardly looks real. Looks like an ocean scene.
  3. CBS report http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/playing-with-marbles/
  4. I didn't realize you pulled the cane so very long! Don't let my naive suggestion get in the way of the aesthetic!
  5. Wha??? tizzit????? Vitro?
  6. What's an example of ridiculous? When I sell, I try to be realistic about the shipping price, including cost of packaging. I wince though every time because it ends up looking high. Higher than I'd want to pay if I were shopping. Edit: Oh, I see ... $99 shipping? ??? Why would anyone agree to pay that ... assuming it's not a very large item .....
  7. Coolness! Studying Vitros sounds like a very zen way to spend a Friday night. In spite of the excitement of finding aventurine.
  8. So, you cook them from scratch? I'm never learned to cook beans. I have several cans of black beans. Might have some tonight.
  9. Condolences to you and to his family. Thank you for sharing the news.
  10. End of day cat's eyes? With stretchy spots in the vanes?
  11. Handsome gent! Purple and orange and tan and red and ox/darker red?
  12. Here are some modern Marble Kings
  13. No kidding. That place should be on the historical register. How could they close it? Guess it's not trendy enough for the people who can afford to shop there? Wonder if they'll bring in people who know about treasures to help carry stuff away. Or if it'll professionals who just go in and shovel things into steel garbage bins without caring about content.
  14. To the best of my understanding that would be a mist. Now that I've said yes, maybe that will get someone out of the woodwork to explain how it is not. But it sure looks like one to me.
  15. Steph


    Wow. That looks so real.
  16. Here's one without an apostrophe for Bob
  17. Maybe I understand. Maybe I don't. Might have seen the name both ways on bags. Don't know the story behind why they got the name to begin with.
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