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Everything posted by Steph

  1. The general rule is blends don't count as separate colors.
  2. Don't know about the gray but that's about the prettiest Liberty I've ever seen. The long red stripes actually make it look flag-like.
  3. The Mostly Pix threads in question in case anyone wants to peek and/or add! Akro Alley Alox Bogard Cairo Novelty Champion Christensen Agate Heaton Jabo Jackson Kokomo M.F. Christensen Marble King Master Peltier Playtime Ravenswood Vacor Veiligglas Vitro Distributors/brands from non-manufacturers: Albright Atro Agate Codeg Gropper Pressman Wales Marbles from South America Hmmm ... double checking now ... that might be all I have so far. Anyone who wants is welcome to start any missing manufacturer/distributor. Then I can add that link here.
  4. That looks like a painting for a museum or at least for above the sofa.
  5. This marble is looking Akro to me. Am I the only one?
  6. Good one. I had one which looked like a Marble King Rainbow Red ... until one day the light hit it just so and I realized it had a transparent base.
  7. You have, thanks. It's really nice to see a shooter. Folks don't post Aces much. And I can understand why. They're surprisingly hard to ID. I got some marbles in the mail the other day which I was hoping would be Aces, and I'm still not sure they're not. But if there is opalescence in 'em it's subtle. I'm still open to any input on the range of variation of the marbles Akro called Aces. It would be awesome to see a box of 'em someday. lol. Not many people would have as much fun as I would just holding white based corkscrews up to a light.
  8. One obvious note which needs to be made is that they need to be edited because the thumbnails I made for most of them aren't working right. When the thumbnails link to pix hosted at Photobucket they aren't enlarging and I need to go through and systematically replace them all. The other note though is that when I made the Mostly Pix threads they were a depository for pictures which weren't posted elsewhere. So in a thread like Mostly Pix - Peltier for example, a lot of the most famous Peltier types aren't there. The more famous NLR types and such were in other threads, and I had a list of links to many of those threads, and so I wasn't worried about putting everything in the pix thread. Now those omissions seem rather conspicuous to me and I would like more famous types in the various Mostly Pix threads ... so if you have any you would be willing to post I would greatly appreciate your effort! Thank you!
  9. Interesting ......... messing with my head! That sure looks like an Ace ... but it's the biggest one I've seen and they're not listed as quite that big in the advertisements I know about. But maybe that could be a #2 still? You think? .8 is closer to #2 than to #4. *walks back to drawing board*
  10. oh my! Those would make great background images. Never would guess where those came from without hints ... wouldn't even guess some of them were tangible. I can tell two of Rich's.
  11. What is the measurement on your shooter?
  12. Someone posted an Alloway he has for sale. I took this clip out of his pic to post in a "what do you think this is" thread elsewhere ... you know ... the ones with pictures of things like the hairs on an insect's leg and you're supposed to guess where the offbeat photo came from ..... So anyway, I thought it was so beautiful I wanted to share and maybe you could add some interesting clips. (p.s., here's a link to the Alloway in case anyone wants to see the whole thing or maybe buy it: link)
  13. Cherokee Games @ Cherokee Heritage Center http://www.cherokeeh...okee_games.html
  14. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  15. Thanks for sharing! Love seeing all the names and faces. Oh and the marbles are nice too!!
  16. Vitro cat's eyes. That color might have aventurine. fwiw. I'd place the date just a little later than that. Just a little. Vitro cat's eyes were introduced in 1954. Those look like an early-ish version but maybe not the very earliest. Not certain though. Neat item.
  17. Hello. Welcome. If you go for the template over the calipers (or along with) be aware that some templates are inaccurate for drop through measuring of small items. And I think intentionally so. I heard that they make room for the width of a pencil lead inside. Or something like that.
  18. It's awesome that they've made this a lifelong sport.
  19. I don't know what ya'll are talking about. My birthday is in February! Er, I mean, thanks everyone. Thank you very much. No one is late. Al is right. Dani, I bet you saw me thank George on Facebook for his good wishes. He sent me an early birthday greeting since he doesn't get back to Facebook that often.. Today is hubbers birthday. So I guess I should go be nice to him or something.
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