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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Nothing in particular. Just having fun thinking about a pretty marble.
  2. Sorry about that. But as I said, I'm not trying to be neutral. It would be a lost cause. Before yesterday I was trying to be neutral on this topic. Then yesterday, someone asked me specially to give my opinion in this thread and now that I've gotten interested in it, I'm participating just like any other member of the board. As a real live human who is interested in a beautiful marble.
  3. No, Bo, why should I be neutral? The best I can hope for is that I'm accused of non-neutrality more or less equally, and so far I'm doing pretty good in that department.
  4. Maybe salamanders have blue where Chuck comes from. ... or maybe he could call it a blue tongue skink. reptilesweb.com
  5. Don't miss these http://marbleconnection.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=14970
  6. I've heard of red-based Peltiers before. Ruby Slippers come to mind. However, one thing I've never heard of before is Peltier taking a transparent based marble and completely covering the surface with other colors in the way Vitro is known to have done.
  7. Steph

    Peltier Submarines

    I'm under the impression that when you backlight a pelt submarine it's supposed to look close to transparent. Other than that and the basic blue and red/orangey colors, I don't know the "definition".
  8. Hi Chris. Do you post your work at any political forums? Serious question. Sensational work ......
  9. Bo, my thought would be no. Both the structure and colors look different. I'm seeing a pretty distinct multicolor rainbo structure on Chuck's (3 distinct ribbons on each side). I don't get that multi-color rainbo feel from yours. Plus, I'm guessing/assuming that a color arrangement close to Chuck's would be an important part of the salamander name. So not just any multi-color rainbo combo would do. The blue, white, red/orange and opaque green all being needed. ... is my assumption .......
  10. I've seen boxes of Chinese checkers marbles with the Berry Pink brand on them. Don't recall having seen a board tho'. Pretty cool.
  11. You should give credit to the sources of the photos. You don't usually need permission. I guess there are always exceptions. But sounds like you're talking about the sort of thing people do fairly casually without anyone getting upset.
  12. One of the things going on is that the air isn't attached to the glass in the way glasses with different COE's would be attached to each other.
  13. I do not rock. I prefer a mellow ballad. I didn't ask anything which wasn't in Chordus' original question.
  14. The CoE of air? I'd assume it was significantly different from glass. However, I'd also assume that any pressures and strains from the air on the glass are negligible. That as the marble cooled the air would easily compress into whatever space was available without straining the glass around it.
  15. Very strange. Seen any of these before? How does it reproduce? (lol, sorry, got caught up in the rare species motif)
  16. All-Reds Had trouble finding a pic of some basic all-reds. So here they are. Next time I won't! Ebay auction pic.
  17. Wow. That hit my jaw like a wedge of lemon. (that's a compliment. lol)
  18. Here is an interesting biographical piece. It has errors. For example the birthdate is wrong, and one glaring omission is his affiliation with Rosenthal. But it's still kinda cool. The radio information is new to me. I'm inclined to believe that part's true. My transcription from the book isn't perfect. I didn't have a good copy to look at. I might try to clean it up later. Who's Who in American Jewry, Vol. 3 Julius Schwartz, Solomon Aaron Kaye, John Simons Jewish Biographical Bureau, 1939 p. 815
  19. Love the board! Oh and the marbles aren't bad either. ;-)
  20. Totally okay! Easier to see. No problemo! (p.s., welcome )
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