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Everything posted by Steph

  1. LOL, when I saw the born on date in the title, I thought it might be a Marble King thread! Wrong month though. ;-) Happy Birthday Bill!
  2. weerd things are afoot. Dustin's score jumped from 3000 to 8000 points overnight. He is now in 56th place. How many days till the end of the contest? about 20? Anything could happen!
  3. not enough words . . . God bless and comfort you.
  4. Here's a thread for the benefit of newbies and maybe not so newbies. What examples do you have and/or know about of marbles which you think could be mistaken for old? Here are a couple of my favorites, these pix from Schusserland.de. Clownfish sometimes taken to be Master: And not sure of the name, but some like the two-seamers in this batch have been questioned in the past as possibly vintage:
  5. A mill ball with a reflection like this?
  6. My thoughts about clear coating marbles were pretty much limited to ceramics. Might be able to find a better example in a tour of ebay but here's a hint of the unnatural gloss I started seeing a couple of years ago, I guess it was. I posted these in August of 2007. Compare the shiny brown ones to the non-shiny white ones. And there were many weird reflections in different marbles in this thread which Paula commented on, Some Dug China's. Even that bull's eye in one of the close-ups. Looks like the hair on it is stuck under hairspray. The gloss on the felt tip mibs isn't "glaring" but why is it there at all?
  7. Here are some Alley shooters. Sorry, I don't recall the source of the pix.
  8. Mike, I don't know much about Akro vs. Vitro in the tricky cases. Mostly I have pix on hand which let me know that they are tricky and make me reluctant to say one way or the other. Here's a group I gathered together a little while back with some resemblance to yours.
  9. Here's an auction beauty with just a touch of blue and much more purple coz I know Felicia would like to get some purple going! LOL
  10. Nice person. I'm still curious about the detail. Could we see a closer up pic, or a description would probably do. Thanks.
  11. Wonder what Google wanted to say. Seems they thought better of it whatever it was.
  12. Glad I qualified my answer and said "by that definition" instead of something absolute.
  13. P.s., I'm with Edna. I thought Dragonfly was an MK name. update: I see that there's an NLR Sami calls a dragonfly. He said it has a blue base and green ribbons. The marble in the auction is still a rainbo, and thus wouldn't be a dragonfly by that definition.
  14. Mike's could be foreign - a variation on the mushroom marble perhaps. I think that's what it is. I don't see Akro.
  15. Ray, it's possible that Brian is having the same trouble. (see here) Sorry I don't know what the deal is. Maybe ya'll can compare notes though.
  16. I haven't tried to upload any pictures since the change. What is or isn't happening? Sounds like Ray might be having the same trouble. (see here) Test photo: Seems to work okay for me. sorta wish it hadn't so I could maybe have a clue to help with.
  17. Lou, Brian's looking at me. Make him stop. oooops, sorry, it wasn't Brian, it was Michael Jackson
  18. Bet that was a well-loved marble ! Too fun!
  19. Why does every thread have to be so dramatic! Just kidding! Way cool Carole!
  20. I already have two of Felicia's bags, so I'll sit this one out. to give someone else a chance to see how neat they are. p.s., here's that pic again from murmelwelt.de which the bags remind me of.
  21. mmmm, nice ox. I'm not confident that I'm seeing the colors or structure correctly on the mystery marble. The inner partition looks like it could be Master but I can't personally rule Akro out at the moment.
  22. Sort of a bump, sort of a blink Coz yes, sometimes Dustin loses points in his total score. How is that? Overnight he lost 6 points. Went from 2967.01 down to 2960.69.
  23. Kevin, I withdraw any semi-automatic Akro call I made for yours based on ox. Whatever part of my call was based on pix others posted of Akros in those colors, that would stand, but objections based on ox, not so much. I see more and more ox floating around aqua glass. So much that now it seems like it could be an accident associated with that color. Yours is an awful lot of ox but stray amounts of ox near aqua glass seem almost natural now. (or maybe it's part of the red, or a mix or whatever, point is my previous objection is withdrawn)
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