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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Swirl, yes. I'll say West Virginia. And I'll guess Alley.
  2. Hello. Welcome. Yes, we're losing a lot of the great ones.
  3. Marbles from Africa? That's another good question. I can't remember if I've ever heard of them. My first thought would be marbles made for Codd bottles. For some reason that image pops to mind. As to your first question, in my Scrabble group people were speaking of something negative associated with Nigeria, and the group administrators were concerned about Nigerian members feeling stigma from that. That made me think of how in our marble groups, we speak of something negative associated with Bulgaria. And that got me to thinking about how Bulgarian collectors might feel after reading it. And that got me to wishing we had some Bulgarian collectors. No real connection! Just my wandering thoughts.
  4. Oh gosh, I had no particular marble post in mind when I made my post! But thank you for being considerate.
  5. Yes, that was one which leaned toward a Vitro pattern but which I thought was probably MK, and now I'm a solid yes on MK. The red, white and blues in your second group of pictures are in the same boat. Vaguely Vitro pattern, but still MK.
  6. I just saw someone in a facebook gaming group make a plea for people to be sensitive to the fact that there were Nigerian members in the group. Apparently there had been a lot of talk about Nigerian scammers, which had led to a broad sense of disrespect toward Nigerians, which was sad for the Nigerian fans of the game. That got me wishing we could get some marble collecting perspective from Bulgarians which would somehow get us deeper into the marble history of that part of the world than we have been able to get so far with the presumably contemporary Bulgarian handmades.
  7. Most of these last ones are solidly Marble King. A couple of them are leaning a little more toward a Vitro pattern, but I still think could be MK on all.
  8. The blackish background behind the probable Rooster is probably adding to the overexposed look. A neutral (light to medium) gray background works best as a general rule. That helps cameras not try too much to overcompensate.
  9. I'd say the photos are good enough to be sure. Some views are a bit odd, maybe overexposed. But in total, we're getting some good looks at the marbles.
  10. I am leaning Vacor Rooster on the red and white.
  11. There are some MK's and Akros which do look like Vitro All-Reds. But if it looks enough like an All-Red to make me unsure, then it goes in with the Vitro All-Reds. The odds say Vitro at that point. Well, I do have a box of patches which I've simply given up on so they all live together in harmony. So maybe a fence-sitting All-Red lookalike would go in with that bunch. But yours in this thread are classic Vitro.
  12. 1. Peltier Rainbo 2. Vitro Tiger Eye 3. Possibly Champion 4. More pictures? I am leaning non-American but ??? 5. Vitro 6. Vacor or modern Asian 7. Master? Bogard? Or not American? Vintage though.
  13. West Virginia companies exported a lot of marbles. I've seen some Vitros end up over there which didn't match the usual marbles seen in America. Based on that, I could imagine some interesting Marble Kings being sent over there which didn't necessarily match the typical marbles sold in packaging here.
  14. Beautiful. I am all in on Marble King. Exceptional Rainbow on that top one. Really earns the Rainbow name!
  15. Hate to stir things up if they're considered settled, but at that size, with an indistinct pattern, I would be considering Jabo.
  16. Nifty. I don't know exactly what styles of handmades I've seen photographed with other canes in the core. But I know folks have discovered similar things under their outer layers and shown them off to us. I actually haven't ever checked my handmades for that. I don't have many. It would be a short search.
  17. If Akro then I'm guessing one made near the end of their production time. I could see that based on structure and base glass, though I don't recognize the patch color.
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