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Everything posted by mon

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=LNwLxwZHMOw
  2. At New Philly, Marblealan stated that the lipstick red was a dead giveaway for Kokomo. I haven't held many Kokomo's and not sure if I've seen any this size, almost 15/16" (.920").
  3. my favorite shooter....
  4. I raise yellow perch in one of my ponds and are the only fish I eat out of them. GBs, snails and yellow perch are hosts for the yellow grub parasites. Not very appetizing seeing grubs in your fillets, at least for me. Also, they will spear fish bigger than they can eat an discard them on the bank. i really mis my G Shepherd..... he loved to eradicate them from my ponds! Ann, not sure if any native raptors would take on a GB. I have witnessed coyotes scoring on a few nesting Canadian Geese.
  5. Great pic but a blue heron is a host for some bad parasites for pond owners! I'm constantly chasing them off along with Canadian geese....poopin fools!
  6. Walmart/Sam's Club are union busters! The sheeple of the world do not care about fair labor over saving a penny on pork & beans. Everyone should have the right to bargain, not beg!
  7. Sorry, I was on vacation and had not checked back. Rich, I thought I still had these jabo footballs but in my search tonight I remember giving them to either Paul Stanley or Peter Chris. Not sure if they visit here or not? Still, nice jab's for sure!
  8. I think it's a jabo football! I bought a mess of these years ago from Ace Frahley.
  9. Yo Dawg, that is sweet.........also has a little pelt action! As far as corks, hope someone can figure it out......Steph, get going!
  10. I'm surprised corkscrews have eluded the modern machine made makers. Any ideas as to why?
  11. I like how the "prima" box size is less than double the "cerise" box but weigh a 1/2 lbs per 100 more??
  12. ann, keep the lid on tight......wouldn't want to any falling through the cracks!
  13. 1dans, Akro lookin cac!
  14. Do you give a marble a number grade or just show this list for a reference to mint, nm etc.? It's the screwiest grading system I've ever seen. The reason for a point system is to fine tune a grade. You just made all marbles fall into a "9" range, why? I also luv your return policy......original unopened envelope, rofl! http://www.ebay.com/itm/STUNING-BLUES-GREEN-ONIONSKIN-MINT-GERMAN-HANDMADE-MARBLE-/330981873246?pt=Marbles&hash=item4d100e965e
  15. I'm not sure your black and gold popeye is a popeye. nice score anyways!
  16. It's good to know that all involved in these private runs are in it to spread the love. Also, good to know all the stories of hiding mibs, cheating, shorting, overcharging and behind the back plotting were not motivated by money. If the risk of being duped increases.....that's good?
  17. mon

    1912 American Boy

    great grandpappy wilcox was bitchen about these reproductions looking like the genuine stone! lol
  18. only a fool would argue that........so when i get some time, i'll reply!.lol
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