i have to agree with hansel its more comfortable to look on e-bay, craigslist or even this forum or others for things people are selling ... plus i set-up at flea markets and i might have something worth a lot of money but the only people that see it is those who come to the flea markets.. or to the antique shops'... where the internet covers the world.... plus when going to antique shops in my area it doesn't look like people rotate their stock... they always have the same things and ask way to much and complain when people wanna make them a lower offer.. i was at stoudt's black Angus in Adamstown PA, where i live about 45 mins from there and i saw a marble that was an old German handmade solid core 1 1/4" it had pocket wear and 2 moons no missing glass.. the guy wanted 90.00 i told him 60.00 cause of the condition ... he said to me, get out of here you people must think we get things for free you pay my rent for being here.... i walked away that was last winter well i was there again a few weeks ago and its still there with the same other things again i asked him how much and he said 90.00 i told him 60.00 he said nope i walked away...
my point is yes that's only a marble but its taking up real estate and you might take a little hit on one thing to make room for new things that you make a killing on...
even if the guy paid 50.00 or 75.00 or even 80.00 he didn't even come back with a counter offer... wouldn't you at least want to make a sale rather then loose the sale... i mean i think 60 was a fair offer i believe on ebay i could get 65.00 -75.00 that what i see on their.
i don't know am i being fair on that offer or his he just being a stubborn grump trying to triple his money on every little thing...