*Edit* Steph can you please copy this and repost so the pics will work until we figure out why my pics won't post anymore?
While digging 4 feet down at the Heaton factory, this came up in my shovel. I almost tossed it but it had those rounded corners and I thought, "that looks like a marble pouch", so I grabbed it. Sure enough, it still has print on it. It says Big Shot marbles int he center, as we know Heaton used for their logo, and above that it says "To Open Cut Here" then "To Make Pouch - Punch Holes" and then "Insert Strings". Then below the logo it says M.F.G. By Heaton Agate Company Pennsboro West Virginia. Ron confirmed it is an unknown type bag. The bag is not seamed together well. I'm not sure if that's why it was tossed, or if they never could get it to work right and it was an abandoned project, or if it's a type of bag that was marketed. Either way, it's a rare bag and pretty decent considering it's been buried for 70 years. There was a seagrams 7 bottle unearthed in the hole with it, dated 1951.