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Everything posted by sclsu

  1. When you look through the bidders you see a lot of the same people bidding on a lot of his auctions. Even though you don't see a full name, you can still tell. I would say that he either has a lot of regular customers or.....
  2. Almost every master I put up goes unsold....I don't put up many clear based ones though
  3. I think the second run boxes were part of the mansion run
  4. You could also be seeing something that is or isn't there, based on an old black and white photo. Unless an original sealed unit is found we may never know
  5. Honestly I think that they most likely bought marbles from some sort of distributor, and could be a mix of several manufacturers
  6. I doubt it would be foreign marbles, the cost of imported marbles would be much higher than marbles purchased closer to home, so it would only make sense to import high end hand mades, not common clearies and such. The four makers I know that were operating near PA, cac, akro, pelt and alox. Of that, akro had been making marbles the longest of those 4, so I think they are the most logical. Could be transparent corks you are seeing, which I'm sure could look like a cats eye in a black and white photo from the 20's. Another possibility is a mix of several companies, purchased through pressman or gropper or another seller
  7. It would have to be pelt or akro, right?
  8. I would say they are probably jabo classics
  9. I am going to suggest slag, mainly based on the other marbles in pics. Very few makers of large swirls, so if not a slag, maybe alley?
  10. I'm gonna have go with master on this one
  11. I have a few masters that I consider to have something close to oxblood. I will take some pics
  12. Can you take pics of the seams? Could be master, vitro or foreign. I would need more pics to decide
  13. http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=301795133544&alt=web Pick 1 makes me think this might have been polished
  14. I am going to say vacor for both, but second is definitely vacor
  15. Can't really tell on the first, but the second looks akro
  16. That looks like an akro corkscrew
  17. For some reason I get modern(jabo) from this one. Vitro is possible too
  18. Is there a seam? At first glance I would think akro however
  19. I can see master, but I wouldn't call it a sunburst
  20. As long as both of the poles (more or less) are red and the white is on the sides I would say pelt, but a messed up one
  21. He seemed like an ok guy to me and had a good knowledge about marbles. Also he has a staff that posts the auctions so that could account for some errors. I haven't bought from him though so I can't speak to the marbles themselves.
  22. I have sold him a few marbles. I talked to him a few times as well. He says he is the biggest marble seller in the Midwest and runs pawn shop as well. I would not be surprised if he was polishing marbles.
  23. I would think it would be because of the seam, not the coverage
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