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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. Another dug Heaton, kind of a snow globe w/ a bunch of chunky oven brick throughout the marble as well as some thin lines of oxblood.
  2. A dug Heaton for this "Slags & Swirls Saturday"
  3. Correct !! Vitro Opal, check for av in the green, I have one exactly like it.
  4. x2, thinking Jabo also
  5. Sounds like ya better get em while the gettins still good ?? Gonna be gone on a trip myself most of the day today, Happy hunting, I mean fishing
  6. Bingo !! You just won the lottery Chad, 100% Akro corkscrew Nice one
  7. "Happy Akro Friday" I know this isn't Akro but I still wanted to post it to show the uncanny resemblance to a piece of Akro. This had me fooled till I looked inside, "Imperial" I still bought it because of the outstanding swirl pattern
  8. (SMM) = Sammy's Mountain Marbles Here's a link w/ a few pix for ya : LINK : https://marbleconnection.com/topic/18002-marble-buddies-spring-edition-sammys-mountain-marbles/
  9. Agree : 1. Pelt Rainbo 2. PPP (Peltier Peerless Patch) 3. Peltier NLR Ketchup & Mustard
  10. Mostly Akro with a little Alley mixed in for good measure
  11. AAM Vacor Atmosphere link LINK : https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/viewtopic.php?t=25060 STEPHEN BAHR VACOR VIDEO : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=533zIrU80RI
  12. Last 2 look Pelt, not sure on the first ?
  13. x2, Superboy, as said, the ribbons on a Spiderman will be a solid red color w/ no orange, nice mib one of my favorites
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