This topic made me think of "reerse" pairs also - not reversed in pattern but reversed in colors - such as a White cork on black base and a black cork on white base. I thought I had a picture of Bo Stiff's reverse corks but I cannot find it.
There are two types of Vitro Blackies that show up in packaging. The common ones are the ones you have shown. The one at the bottom may be one of the "other" style of Blackies although yours is a little more defined with the banding. I have attached a picture of a bag of the "other" style.
Simple way, on my computer at least, is to use a built in program like Paint to re-size. I'm sure there are many more out there. Not savvy with what to do on smartphone camera though.
And that is why I don't collect patches any more. I like them but get frustrated on who made. I still have a few groups to sell - maybe after first of the year on eBay?