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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. That was the year I did graduate from college - small world
  2. Neat bag. The Gladding Vitro bags were between 1969 and 1982 when G-V was in business. The shooter hybrid cage style cat's-eyes are probably worth more than the bag.
  3. Don't forget that maybe the figure was marked back in that time frame before it was made into the marble.
  4. Thanks - an odd one for sure. With the other color in the white patch, it doesn't look like the "Cloudies" from years back when Ron Shaw & I discussed these (picture below) but may be. As we all know, odd things happen with marbles being made.
  5. Nice to find "old stuff" like that. I periodically go through my closet (every couple years) to see what I have forgotten about. Looking forward to any pics you can take - very hard to see in those Master bags.
  6. Yes, it is the address part of the back that is different. And, not all of the "named" bags have all three different name/address backs. Some are just two and some only the one. It's all just part of their header printing process since they are all the Wichita address - just different company names, abbreviations, etc. Of course, now that they have moved, we will probably see a totally different address so.... It reminds me of the differences in some of the Vitro header where it said "5 Star Brand" instead of "Five Star Brand". A different collectible item.
  7. Of course, what company name do we call them? Here are some names on recent bag headers. I find some of these different reverses with the same fronts on the headers so, I think to myself, now I have to collect one of each with the different backs and same fronts?
  8. This was a picture that Bob Block posted back in 2003 of a group of Nova types that he got from Gino Biffany and are supposedly the entire group type.
  9. Patry posted this picture back in 2006 - calling it a Master Sunburst with oxblood (just the one picture). Patry was very knowledgeable so...
  10. That is entirely possible - Champion polybag material, Champion headers and Champion marbles - all original except staples. That is one of the reasons that Champion bags rarely sell. I have not see many bags with this header being filled. Many other haves MK's in them and they are obviously filled. It would be nice to know what type of headers that Roger & Claudia got in th purchase. Anybody up for asking them if they have any idea?
  11. Almost looks like it is made from pieces of Delft (?sp) pottery/china.
  12. You use the term Rainbow Dragonfly and Patch Dragonfly. I'm not sure what you think the difference is. Are you talking about Rainbow being the classic Marble King Patch & Ribbon marbles (like the picture below) and then another MK type that has a patch only, like some of the newer ones? If so, I still don't think yours look like the newer MK's. If they are, they still would not fit the dragonfly name from looking at those pictures.
  13. Size? Transparent or opaque base glass?
  14. Charles had posted this picture of two and called the left one pink with a ghost core. Bob Block had the other picture listed back in the old AuctionBlocks days.
  15. Colors on the right sure fit Peltier.
  16. Here is a picture, that I've always liked, that the late Randy G posted back in 2005.
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