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Everything posted by wvrons

  1. I have no match for it at all. Rosenthal was there for a few years even after Alley left. So it may be some maker other than Alley or Akro. If I had to pick between Akro or Alley ? I would go towards Akro not Alley.
  2. Will the seller believe the promise a next time ? Will the seller make others aware of the promise ? Or will the buyers premium just keep going higher and more wide spread with more promises. As long as people keep paying it why not fill the pockets as long as possible. Maybe 35%-45% buyers premium why not. What is there to lose as long as someone pays it ? It can be 20% or 70% buyers premium. It will not affect me because I will not be bidding. There is no item that I need to have that bad from any auction service.
  3. I do not think that most or all of the marbles excavated at Sistersville have matches found at Akro digs. I think more likely that the largest percentage match or resemble Alley marbles than Akro. But there is a good portion found at the Sistersville Alley-Rosenthal site which I feel match and or resemble Akro. If they do not match or were produced by Alley or Akro maybe Rosenthal produced them ? He was at the location much longer than Alley was. But I was always told and read that Roesnthal was only a jobber. Being a jobber maybe some of the marbles found at Sistersville could have been produced by several different companies along with Alleys that were actually produced there. There has been marbles other than Alley and Akro found at the Sistersville Alley-Rosenthal site. The marble above I would consider more like Akro than Alley. I have never been convinced in any way that Alley produced patches cat eyes or sparkler style.vane type marbles.
  4. More details here in Upcoming show section. COME JOIN US ! Call the hotel direct for special discounted room rate for the marble show.
  5. Alley Agate made at the Saint Marys location. Value about ten to twenty five cents.
  6. How much of the 20%-24% BP does the seller receive ? Seller pays 20%-30% to auction service for selling fees. Auction service gets 20%-24% buyer premium. Seller gets 50% of what their item was worth. The auctioneer's charging the BP are all having a rough time paying expenses. Just do some research on most of them. Check their sales for the last year. Check their purchases for the last five years. Check their facilities. Want to sell your handmade mint lightning bolt at half price ? Give me a call. Maybe sellers at marble shows should start charging a buyers premium ? Wake up America !
  7. I have not seen them for a few years. Condolences to Mary and all the family.
  8. As we all know there was never any Vitro family. The company was owned by Art Fisher. Not a family. The Vitro Company was never ever anywhere near Pittsburg PA. I live near the old Vienna and Parkersburg WV Vitro Agate factories and will give him a tour and history lesson. We will have to get through the homeless people. Plus Peltier was making marbles long before the very first ever Vitro marble was made. Someone should donate him a marble book even a simple beginners one. Or a wore out one. If he will contact me and pay the shipping ? I will donate him a book if he promises to never list a marble on ebay or anyplace again this badly. It makes marble collectors look bad. This listing has to be a joke !
  9. Good to know once and for all that the first Peltier marbles made were what most collectors call swirls. I guess god has forbid me to ask what was specialized with the Miller machine that caused it to make swirls and the other Peltier machines did not. Waiting for the next book to tell me. Maybe then I will change my thoughts ? I bought Alley Blue Lady marbles and Alley West Virginian's 20 years ago as Christensen just like everyone else. But they are not Christensen today. Not in my book. Always a pleasure.
  10. I have a Gropper bag with Heatons. I think you can see both of your bags contains marbles like these Heatons.
  11. I think Heaton would be a good choice for the contents of both bags
  12. According to Nancy Frier the mesh bag above which Al posted with the brown and black header is the earliest Alox bag. The marbles in that bag are Alox and match what is in the 500 count box that I posted above. They also match the marbles which Nancy had straight from the factory when she was a early teen.
  13. Alox produced and sold many more items than marbles. One of or the main item was shoe string laces. I was able to visit and view one of their original shoe lace machines. That was a lot of specialzed small metal parts moving in all directions. Bill McCaleb and myself had the pleasure to spend some time with John Frier the last owner of Alox now deceased. Plus his daughter and our good friend Nancy Frier. Time well spent. Nancy shared so much Alox history with us.
  14. Al the mesh bag looks like it contains Heatons. The poly bag is either late Saint Marys Alleys or also possible Heatons ? The plastic always makes it more difficult.
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