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Peltier Green Fizz on ebay

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I have a similar one, but like yours it doesn`t seriously blast you with UV - so - regrettably -  I don`t consider mine a Green Fizz. At least going by the descriptions above about the UV effect on the Fizz.

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Marboman, not a fizz. The base should be clear on a fizz.

Rockgardenplants, that's a fizz in my book. It just proves that not all glow. It has every other hallmark, even the size. The black light wasn't even invented yet when that marble was made, maybe the bulk of the fizz marbles came out with UV reactive glass but some of the glass near the beginning or end of the run wasn't reactive? The factory workers wouldn't have known, they had no black lights. The size is right, it has the bubbles, it has the antifreeze green, and it has the correct construction. It's a fizz and if it doesn't glow then I'd say not all green fizzes glow. If you have two marbles that are identical and made by the same company around the same time but one glows and the other doesn't, does that mean they can't have the same name? I know of several named types where some glow and some don't. Still they retain the name. Just my opinion on it but if it was in my collection it would be a fizz.


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1 hour ago, cheese said:

Marboman, not a fizz. The base should be clear on a fizz.

Rockgardenplants, that's a fizz in my book. It just proves that not all glow. It has every hallmark, even the size. The black light wasn't even invented yet when that marble was made, maybe the bulk of the fizz marbles came out with UV reactive glass but some of the glass near the beginning or end of the run wasn't reactive? The factory workers wouldn't have known, they had no black lights. The size is right, it has the bubbles, it has the antifreeze green, and it has the correct construction. It's a fizz and if it doesn't glow then I'd say not all green fizzes glow. If you have two marbles that are identical and made by the same company around the same time but one glows and the other doesn't, does that mean they can't have the same name? I know of several named types where some glow and some don't. Still they retain the name. Just my opinion on it but if it was in my collection it would be a fizz.


Which way do I go George ??  Many opinions on this mib's I.D., av, no av, uv, not uv. I went w/ the majority not any specific collector, realizing marble collecting is all perspective & w/ respect to everyone's opinion, I'm @ a bit of a loss as far as a positive I.D. for James ( orange_orbital) ?? 



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I also said before that the fizz will have a UV base, only because all I've seen did. But does that mean if one comes along that doesn't glow, it's not a fizz when everything else matches? Only the person who named it can answer that I guess. A year or two ago a large batch of Alley skeletons came up with a bunch of halloween types. All of them glowed. So people who got them began saying the skeletons must glow, but I happen to know of three sure-shot boxes with halloween varieties including skeletons and only one of each skeletons in each box glows, the rest don't. Same marble all the way around. Under regular light you can't see any difference. So does that mean some are skeletons and some are not, or does that mean the ones examined by one or two people glowed and they were unaware of some that didn't?

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Well, I guess the fizz was named for all the bubbles ??  Just looking for a prerequisite to separate it from other similar mibs. Yes I guess only the person who named it first can lay down any particular I.D. stipulations. Marbles and their identification are ever evolving, a reason I've come to love & enjoy the hobby so much, I'll never get bored.  @ least we can all agree on that one thing  :) 

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The Green fizz , I have always though ,read and was told once when I thought I had one but it turned out to be Alley that they must glow , if we start bending the rules on this one ,we’re going to get people saying they got  Alley Pistachios that don’t glow etc and eBay going to light up with green fizz mibs 

does the purple fizz glow ?  Come on pelt heads let see one pls . Or is it going to be like the pelt Persimmon Sunset it’s being around one year since me and another member of AAM asked to see one and nothing not one pic of it 

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Glad you liked it. I have it in the the weekly Peltier thread,Wed. I think . It doesn't have the required clear glass for a Fizz. As for UV it's very bright. Just a nice slag with unusual color and bright UV. Thanks everyone , learned alot of good info.:)

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Well, sheesh… 

On 10/14/2022 at 6:08 AM, Dave 13 said:

if we start bending the rules on this one ,we’re going to get people saying they got  Alley Pistachios that don’t glow etc and eBay going to light up with green fizz mibs 

I agree with Dave on this point because it’s a shame when unsuspecting folks will pay $$ for a Mega / Vacor Serpent. However, there are MANY x 1000 listings that I see everyday on eBay that have misplaced names and even incorrect manufacturers and do a Buy It Now for $100.

To be fair, can I have some suggestions for a title when it is relisted? 

Thanks everyone!

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