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Orange Peel Surface On Peltiers


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So, less desireable then, and something one should note in grading Pelts. Right? Right. Thanks. -S

P.s. Did Peltier try not to sell them as a rule?

P.p.s. Would ones with orange peel texture be more likely to be NLR's than rainbos?

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:lol: j/k

my opinion of the orange peel surface on peltiers is that it mostly appears on black glass, and seems to be on older marbles (nlrs and patches). i don't think it affects the value or desirability in any way + or -

others may feel differently. (as evidenced by the above comments)

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Orange peel is an as made imperfection and therefore downgrades the marble. It will be still in mint grade, but the value will be lower, so is the eye appeal. It was not enough imperfection to reject the marble from distribution, just like out of round marbles. This applies to any old marble, not just Peltiers. That is probably what Galen was reacting.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Now I said a "lightly pronounced" orange peel surface is desirable on a marble, just as I said that older killer marbles have a orange peel surface. Now I myself do not prefer a "heavy" orange peel surface. It's been over 15 years since I collected marbles and frankly I do not even know the newer marbles by name at all. I do no the older machine mades, and I do no what the surface of glass looks like.

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i will speak for myself only - and point out (since it seems to have been overlooked previously) that this is an opinion and my personal preference...

i collect peltier marbles. i don't necessarily think they made "the prettiest marbles", but something about them is in my blood. i love their sick colors they used sometimes, and i love the fact that there's an endless variety to the rainbos. i love knowing that they were made not far from here; i loved when i got to dig for some near the factory; i loved getting to see the paperwork and correspondence hand-written by the guy who made the marbles i collect; i love finding all the oddball bananas and the footballs and the flatties.

so for me, it's not about getting a killer box of "primo" examples that i can use to enter a show-off contest with other collectors, it's about connecting to the marbles on a more 'human' level - if there is such a thing. the orange peel surface that appears on some of the marbles makes them seem closer somehow to the real people working in the real factory making the ACTUAL marbles that ended up with me.

finding the orange peel glass once in a while is like finding an old letter from a friend. it's like a re-connection of sorts.


in case anyone missed these from the other post, these all have "a slight" orange peel surface:


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Exactly!!......none of my older killer marbles have any orange peel....don't we usually list that as a defect when we are selling a marble? However, that said, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.....maybe he likes oranges............pax Jon
I hate to tell you this Jon but the marble you use as your ID here at the connection has a very nice orange peel surface. I know you do not believe that so just go ahead and take a decent size photo of it say around 50K and submit it here on the marble connection and I will circle the orange peel so that you understand what orange peel looks like
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Just my opinion... not worth a whole lot, though. But... I think the value should be determined on the complexity of the construction, combination of the colors used, the base glass.. what type.. how uncommon was it regardless if it had a very slight orange peel to it. With some of the Pelts I have noticed that the SLIGHT orange peel surface kinda added to the character of a few. Since I haven't been at this very long,... I am not too choosey about as made surfaces.


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Guest browse4antiques

I have noticed that MFC bricks sometimes have a small patch of orange peel texture. I don't consider it a distraction at all, rather as another of their defining characteristics. Also, german sparklers can be found smooth or with orange peel texture, and I think any good collection would include both. ... Roger

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I have thousands of vintage machinemade marbles in my collection. There is not one that I would consider a keeper with an orange peel texture. That is just what I like. I except the fact there are vintage marbles with orange peeled texture and some people like them and some hold them dear. That is fine. I do heartily disagree with a blanket statement that most vintage marbles have a degree of orangepeel to the naked Eye. That is simply not true. Again I say look at any pic of Alans auctioned marbles or any pic of BTs you will not find any Orange peel. And I am not talking about great magnification as there is no such thing as a perfectly smooth surface. And under magnification you will find more surface irregularity on Peltier marbles than the other manufacturers. That is it. Not trying to make fun of anyone or what they collect. I just don't like statements made as fact when they aren't. It is also fact that other than Vacor marbles I have seen many many more orange peeled marbles from dumpings than I have ever seen in packaging or none dug groups. As a percentage. And from the postings and emails I have no problem stating that most collecters consider orange peeling not as desireable as the same marble smooth. And most consider it a defect such as micro folds and bubblepops. A liked defect by some but still a defect IMHO. Peace,Galen thinks that may be his longest post ever(LOL)

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I have thousands of vintage machinemade marbles in my collection. There is not one that I would consider a keeper with an orange peel texture. That is just what I like. I except the fact there are vintage marbles with orange peeled texture and some people like them and some hold them dear. That is fine. I do heartily disagree with a blanket statement that most vintage marbles have a degree of orangepeel to the naked Eye. That is simply not true. Again I say look at any pic of Alans auctioned marbles or any pic of BTs you will not find any Orange peel. And I am not talking about great magnification as there is no such thing as a perfectly smooth surface. And under magnification you will find more surface irregularity on Peltier marbles than the other manufacturers. That is it. Not trying to make fun of anyone or what they collect. I just don't like statements made as fact when they aren't. It is also fact that other than Vacor marbles I have seen many many more orange peeled marbles from dumpings than I have ever seen in packaging or none dug groups. As a percentage. And from the postings and emails I have no problem stating that most collecters consider orange peeling not as desireable as the same marble smooth. And most consider it a defect such as micro folds and bubblepops. A liked defect by some but still a defect IMHO. Peace,Galen thinks that may be his longest post ever(LOL)
I too do not want to keep kicking a dead horse but I need to clear this up once and for all. I did not say with the naked eye and I agree with most that usually orange peel cannot be detected with the naked eye.
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there is nothing wrong liking the as made orange peel. As made imperfections do not bother me at all too. I buy near mint marbles also. I just do not like to pay a marble top grade price, when in actuality there are orange peel, creases, other as mades or damage. You stated that orange peel is a sign of age and quality and that is wrong information for the new collectors who do not know the facts.


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and why would anyone wanat to look at a marble under 50X???

but I will... lets see, camera has a 10Xmacro, and 10X digital zoom, can enlarge 4 times at a shot thru my camera.... hmm m yep I can get there no problem. wanna send me that marble Jon? LOL!!!

now I will go experiment.... bwaaahahaaaaaaaaa.........

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I'm gonna PUKE if I see another " EGGHEAD "



Not that " ORANGE PEEL " is a NEW TERM.


" These marbles were found in an old ATTIC "

" These marbles have an " ORANGE PEEL " surface on one side "

" The other side is SMOOTH because of " POCKET WEAR "

UH.........the INSIDE or the OUTSIDE........???

And who in the hell went up into the ATTIC to emptied

their FRICK'N POCKETS in the first place ?????

What if ALL of US collected the SAME TYPE OF MARBLES ????

OH BOY............what a treat that would be.........!!!!!

I'm just bummed because David's AKRO didn't

generate more information about the color combos...

different sizes.....Akros that are of this " TYPE "...etc !!!

RAR.........." Put the LIME in the COCONUT.....SHAKE IT ALL UP "

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