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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by winnie

  1. Thats a very nice Amsterdam wirepull Ann I believe they have been made in the 50ties in Amsterdam by Veiliglas. I get really tired of explaining why i think that way,well only this:a lot of the transp- swirls and wirepulls do have the same pattern as the opaque swirls,i find them together with wirepulls and transp- swirls in marble groups of the 50ties. At home i call them Amsterdam swirls. You know,i can't believe that after all i've posted about these so called Euro swirls that i would be the only one who believes they have been made in Amsterdam. It will probably be due to my poor English He He.
  2. winnie


    So i bought some Bulgarian marbles,here you can see the roughly ground pontil very well.
  3. I've a few like that with a yellow ribbon,made by Veiligglas.
  4. What strikes me about them is,the colored glass stream which makes the swirl,are very thin,so the smallest damage (a tiny little pinprick) caused directly that you see the white base which looks ugly and beat up.
  5. Beautiful!!!!! colors and patern are great
  6. It's hard to see but when backlighted the base of these Master sunbursts have clear uncolored glass.
  7. Steph to me it looks also like a horseshoe cat's eye type,and with 2 colored vanes and the clear glass,i would think an odd Vitro?Anyway it doesn't look boring to me. LOL interesting and boring thats difficult to get to meet. This 4 marbles were in a group of German striped transp-,i would like to call them freakish,actually i don't think they are boring.
  8. Don't worry Bob,i threw it away yesterday. Yes,you bet Steph,i've boxes full of unindentified patches.
  9. Found in an old tin with an old stamp (i know the stamp means nothing but thought it shows nice) And again find that German cat's between old marbles (that also means nothing,i know). Nothing special but i think whats kind of interesting,it shows that we got our marbles from all over the world,they come from Germany-Japan-America and even maybe from South America. Maybe South America??
  10. Yeah Could be lutz but it's hard to see for me.
  11. If you have a few minuts,look at this.
  12. Glad i can play too,that little Schuco bear is too cute.
  13. Those Peltier big ones are beautiful,so are the little ones.We have a saying here,"who the little not honored is the great not worth it". Got this beautiful Vitro cat's eye from a freindly forum member,thanks!!
  14. LOL,thats someting i wonder myself sometimes. When i think about it it's because i've collected old toys for about 35 jears,was ready for something new,and i like to photograph marbles,and of course you are all nice people,oh it's also good for my English (i hope) and afterall marbles are toys aswell.
  15. Those are beautiful Galen,i like them very much. Here's one of my German fav- it's 15/16.I think it has a S between the seams,what do you think?
  16. Steph,What do you mean,CAC or German str.tr? Ann,They don't glow under blacklight,does some of the CAC slags glow? I think the difficulty to describe the German 2 seam slags and why they are so different from each other is,there was not a constant factor in the manufacturing process during the time in which they were created.
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