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Everything posted by Ric

  1. I agree, it doesn't strike me as Kokomo either.
  2. A few decent ones . . . There is a lot of tiny oven debris in the large one but they all could have used a bath too . . .
  3. Nice Conqueror, Joe. I really like it when the patch has a crazy shape - makes them much more interesting!
  4. That's a nice Vitro! The base glass almost looks clear with a bit of internal green color somewhere, rather than green transparent glass with white filaments. Art Fisher was a master at using a bit of color inside a marble to make clear base glass look colored.
  5. Those look MK to me. But I have not seen that yellow color in a 4-color St. Mary's marble. I have also not seen a 4-vane 3-color MK or a 3-vane 3-color MK.
  6. My guess is foreign - cool looking marble.
  7. Ric

    PBJ ?

    It looks like a patch and the base seems kinds light for a PBJ - maybe Akro?
  8. Yasuda crease pontil transitional is my thought.
  9. Ric

    Weird Frit

    It does look like a Vacor pattern under the frit, IMO.
  10. Ravenswood and Alley both made marbles like this and they are very difficult to tell apart, especially from pictures. If there are slight blue tones on the base glass, as it looks here, I would lean Ravenswood. If not, I would lean Alley. But based on these photos, it is a tough call either way.
  11. Nice, it looks like a family photo rather than a professional job to me - lucky find IMO!
  12. Thanks for the pricing info, Ron. I had no idea Neons were going for that much money. I'll have to find mine and bring them in from the garage. 😉
  13. At on At one point, I had a a few thousand Conquerors, I picked through them and pulled out good examples of the different colored patches and fancy (in the normal sense of the word) ones. I don't think I ever really tried to figure out what were the most common or rare colors. Someday, I'll have to find them and take a pic. 🙂
  14. I don't think i have ever heard a satisfactory explanation as to the difference between Exotic and Fancy Conquerors so I sorta gave up on those names. I just know a good one when I see it. 🙂
  15. Some are definitely keepers!
  16. There are Conqueror variants on colored transparent glass - they might be called Fancy or Exotic Conquerors, I forget which.
  17. They are Vitro - 100%, and that sort of purple/lavender/pink color is not so uncommon on Vitros.
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