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Everything posted by Ric

  1. I completely forgot I had this - haven't seen it in probably 15-20 years. It's always fun to find a nice marble, even if you already own it. 🙂 Neon Bee
  2. Reminds me a little of a Vitro Tomato. Does light pass through it?
  3. Nice marbles. I'm thinking Alley.
  4. Nice lips, the opal kiss is great. Here's a decent pair of lips from Vitro.
  5. Not sure about that one, Bo. Here's a big overstuffed Cat's Eye.
  6. The top one is a Vitro Conqueror, the middle is a West Virginia Swirl, maybe Heaton or Cairo. The bottom one looks like a game marble of some sort. It's often hard to tell who made them, since most companies did. I do wonder if it shows an opalescent glow when backlit though.
  7. Nice, I am especially liking this one!
  8. I agree, some nice handmade marbles in this thread!
  9. Here's a good CAC Snotty:
  10. I was gonna say, you might find them, but they're not exactly common on Vitros. 🙂
  11. A bit like Master's attempts at machine-made onion skins . . .?
  12. To be fair, "English Whispler" is in the title of the thread, but I have heard the name before - not sure where it comes from though. Hopefully, someone will have more to say about them.
  13. I believe they are called English Whisplers not sure about provenance . . .
  14. These are pretty cool too, similar deal. I am thinking Asian but . . . any thoughts? Black stripes on the surface, and the vast majority of the bubbles are attached to the vanes - kinda cool.
  15. I may have asked about these before but I would like to throw this fly back in the water. What are your thoughts on these? My inclination is Asian but . . . ? There are 5 of mibs here, three views each, in columns.
  16. AND . . . . I happen to have a few great ones around 5/8" . . . come on Bill, show us some Sparklers. I have seen one somewhere, might have been yours . . . do you have a pic you could show?
  17. Thanks Tommy, this one is Akro. Hint, hint . . .
  18. Masters can have some good lashes too.
  19. I agree, thanks for the post - love the bubbles!
  20. The one with the red/orange on it looks like some kind of hybrid Vitro All Red. I am not sure about the marble in the OP. Since the base glass is not transparent, it can't be a Vitro Tiger Eye variant unless its Type IV, and I've never seen a Type IV anything like it. It does bear a resemblance to some big JABO Classics from the 2000s and at 1" . . . ?
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