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Everything posted by Ric

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Charles! I hope you have a great day.
  2. You are welcome. Here are a few examples produced prior to the JOKER II Encore run earlier this year.
  3. To the best of my knowledge, Jabo "tank wash marbles" are produced when colorless glass is used to wash out the bulk tanks prior to a marble run. Therefore, "tank wash marbles" tend to have a clear transparent base. Some may also contain colored glass, left over from prior runs, that washed out of the tank. Others may contain colored glass and/or other substances like gold lutz that were intentionally added.
  4. Happy Birthday, Buddy! Just imagine what we could do with 999 if we had metric time! lol. I hope you have a great day. -Ric
  5. Mike, Those are some beautiful marbles - outstanding work! Art is, obviously, in the eye of the beholder . . . that one's my favorite - gorgeous!
  6. This link works. I checked it and it worked for me.
  7. Thanks, Bubba. I didn't realize there was so much variation in the "base" color.
  8. The lower left marble seems to have an odd color. It's not orange and not red, it's sort of a pinkish/golden-brown. I don't collect MKs so it might be common, but I didn't see a similar color in the previous posts. Any thoughts?
  9. Steve, If I were you, I'd run out and buy a PowerBall ticket pronto. The odds of winning are way better than the odds of finding that in a random ditch! Amazing find - very cool! -Ric
  10. Hmmm. . . Mobility for marbles . . . an excellent trade I'd say. Congratulations! I'm sure Weldon will put it to good use! -Ric
  11. Nice, Bill. You gotta like the big ones! -Ric
  12. Wow Bruce, You weren't kidding when you said marbleS. Great find - too much fun!
  13. Nice, Big John. I'm keen on the green. Here's some on a Cairo.
  14. Nice little six-ribbon transparent there, Felicia. You gotta watch some those Rainbos . . . heck, I've even found NLRs contaminating my WV swirls.
  15. Glad you had an enjoyable day, Bill. You deserve all the good you get. And if you keep it up, I think we're going to have to start adding adjectives to better describe that herd of yours . . . like maybe a multitudinous herd . . . or perhaps . . . a herd of myriad beasts . . . or . . . something like that. LOL.
  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILL! I hope you have a great day today! And every day for that matter!
  17. No kiddin', Bill,the variation in Rainbos is phenomenal! I know we are only supposed to post a single marble or marbles with the same colors, and I might be stretching it a bit. But I don't think you'll find a color on any of these that isn't in the third one (clear, white, yellow, orange and red).
  18. Very cool - a first for me. Thanks for sharing.
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