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Everything posted by orbboy

  1. H.P Gibson was a games producer who made/make lots of solitaire sets. They started with handmades, then moved on to the fine Transitionals and Clays. Then they moved to the cruddier Transitionals, and finally on to Wirepulls. From what I have seen the early boxes were red, mid boxes can be either blue or black. They may have come in other colours but I have not seen any. A quick ebay search should turn up some sets of assorted types. They were quite prolific. A good way to tell a Gibson set if it is not marked is they called their sets "International Series" Generally they are marked on the inner top of the box either printed or on a printed paper. Sometimes the paper inserts are missing hence knowing the "International Series" is helpful. Here is a link to the now Gibson website http://gibsonsgames.co.uk/ Yes J_Ding your mib does look like it would be one that was found on a Gibson set
  2. Before H.P Gibson started using the cruddier Crease Pontil Transitionals, and after they stopped using Handmades, they used these ones. Better quality glass than the later ones I think. 2 purple ones from a red boxed set.
  3. Anyone have an orange German Striped Transparent?
  4. This one was lost for a couple of years. Did not want to mention it in case I could not find it for pics.. Alas here it is. Just a neat one with a little AV for fun.
  5. Not many of these around. In the thousands of this type I have/had these are numbers 5-10. The other 5 had nowhere near as much "blood" as these ones
  6. I ate these as a kid. http://www.candywarehouse.com/colors/assorted/products/petite-cosmic-rocks-sweet-tart-candy-balls-5lb-bag/
  7. Teign Valley Glass Airtrap and Silver Elephant Skin
  8. Had to give them a clean but here they are. Group shot and a couple of close ups.
  9. I have a group that came with all 1860's dated games and toys. Glass marbs were early, Chess was easy to date and the playing cards were also because of the ace used at the time. I took the glass marbles out and put all the rest in a bag. I remember thinking that they were extra heavy for minerals so did not mix them in with the rest of the mineral ones I have pooled up. I will dig them up and see what is in there. I'm Pretty sure I have some. There were some with red vanes that had that nice marble sparkle to them. Gotta find them now.
  10. No provenance so to speak but it was found with old 1920'ish marbles. Roman did cross my mind since there are copious amounts of dig finds to be had here. I know next to nothing about them though. Carl Fisher lol. He sure has come a long way since this one hehe. The only other thing that strikes my mind is a Mocha, but the only ones I have seen are much larger.
  11. Ok what is it? Measures just over 11/16" Guessing some sort of Crockery, but never seen one with the light blue before. Thoughts?
  12. Grrrrr! I loathe the term "Snake" since there are documented pics of boxes with the true name "SPIRAL" in them. They are Spirals people. Spirals I say!
  13. Is this the cat you were thinking of Steph. It was lost in the mess until I found it yesterday.
  14. I concur. Here is a pink Master to compare too.
  15. Oops Guess it would help to mention that it is larger size marble. In the second pic you can see the edge of a 5/8" catseye.
  16. My first thought was an EOC something? Then I saw the shears and thought?? I then emailed to ask if it was glass and not a rubber ball. It was. It's not like any Sparkler I have seen before. That left me hoping someone would jump in and say it was one of those big Alox ones. Colours sure do look Handmade though. It's a pretty good stumper for the amount of views it shows.
  17. Sadly one that got away. What the heck is it though?
  18. Little thingy on the side says it's Lous birthday. Happy Birthday Chief.
  19. Found this cool site. They are calling it "Siege" http://www.gibell.net/pegsolitaire/ I think you hit the nail on the head Galen. What is the use of playing if the board is screwed up? There is a guy around here that uses old school tools that could put the proper size and shape hole in it if I wanted him too. I kinda like it as it is though.
  20. Not up on my Jabos, but that would be my uneducated guess? Pretty nice though.
  21. I'll go Crease Pontil Transitional. Just no crease to bee seen. I totally agree with Stephs white observation.
  22. Ahhhh Crappers. If there was a hole that was meant to be there that would make all the time I spent searching "66 hole marble boards" a total waste of time LOL! Back to the search I go. It does seem to be missing or why would they paint the lines?
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