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Everything posted by semdot

  1. I have only called myself a marble collector. Sort by the marble maker first then by pattern then optionally by color. Marbles in contact with other marbles is frowned on but not taboo, mostly depending on value. Get used to hearing about lost marbles.
  2. People are dreamers who want to believe their marbles are rare and valuable. I have seen many non-collectors call anything red "oxblood". They believe it because they want to believe it. It can get crazy where they think that every marble they have is "unique and rare", even the game marbles.
  3. I dont see anything Peltish about it, although it could be. Have to see it in-hand.
  4. Im going to take a flying leap... Sombody thought of a way to make their own marbles from panes of glass. No messy molten glass. Score glass into strips and break it into cubes, then throw the cubes into a tumbler for a week. You would get something exactly like this. Not sure why they would think it was a good idea, but it would be an interesting experiment.
  5. I see three marbles that I would need in hand to be sure. You have to look at both poles. If I had to guess from just this I would say the front marble in the second picture looks least corky.
  6. I don't see a broken cork pattern here at all, just patch/ribbon. Are you saying this turns into a continuous line? There is a line connecting the patch to the ribbon? I'm not seeing it.
  7. At the risk of painful honesty, I prefer the crisp clean lines of the first one. I like the blue/yellow over the blue/adv and the red/w for the same reason. The blue/adv looks like somebody colored it outside the lines Probably an anal view but thats my opinion.
  8. Adventurine is a small premium maybe 20%. Condition affects value the most. The amount of white also has a drastic affect.
  9. Colorful, distinctive, intriguing, desirable. It has everything@!
  10. First try to sort your marbles by type and pattern. Don't sort by color. You should end up with the following major categories 1. Non glass marbles - Lots of subtypes but just group them all together for now. 2. Hand made marbles - These will all have one or more usually two pontil marks. Pontils are like pimples on opposite ends of the marbles. Once you see one or two they are not hard to identify. 3. Game marbles - all marbles with just one solid color, clear or opaque, are not collectable (rare exceptions).3 4. Catseyes - Clear marbles with colored glass inside. Some collectable but mostly not. 5. Baseballs - a distinctive pattern of 4 lines that look like a baseball. 6. Patch and ribbon - A patch on one end and a line around the equator. 7. Corkscrew - One line spirals from end to end without crossing. 8. Slags - White opaque glass inside a transparent color base. 9. Swirls - Everything that isn't one of the above. There is a lot more to it than that, and each type has subtypes and sometimes named color combinations. Try to sort by marbles that look like they were produced by the same machine or process, in other words similar construction. After the initial sort, pick one of your colorful piles and post a picture here. We will help with breaking them down farther. As far as remote location, how do you know one of your close neighbors is not a closet marble collector? Do they all know you have marbles?
  11. There were many cases, especially with competetive / low dollar items like books, where the seller listed for 99 cents but charged more than $10 s&h. They inflated the shipping fees so they kept a higher percent of the final invoice. Ebay simply closed that loophole.
  12. The gold is worth much more than the marble. I can't see this as ladies jewelery. Could be somebody mounted their favorite shooter to remember the glory days. If you could trace it to a person or championship, then it could be worth a fair bit.
  13. This reminds me of oakum, except with sawdust instead of hemp. It might also be an offshoot of a log home chinking recipe (2 parts clay, 1 part sifted wood ashes, 1/2 part salt, Water to mix). In that particular recipe, salt acts as the cementing agent. It looks like the surface is a separate material in your pictures. Perhaps the colored skin is latex (gutta-percha) paint?
  14. I would go with Master also. Certainly not a wedding cake.
  15. Very nice! The mini Pelt is a christmas tree. The Pelt peewees go patchy like that. The signature St Mary's is HTF, and a nice looking dragonfly too.
  16. An old time collector (older than me) told me that Jaspers were rarer than lutz. On the other hand, lutz are not particularly rare.
  17. To clarify, I was speaking to the rarity and not to reputations.
  18. Its just that lutz and adventurine add shelf appeal.
  19. Not a bad idea. A few other color micas could look very striking.
  20. I think you would have a very hard time finding 9 matching micas, let alone pay for them.
  21. The coins look legit. It would be very hard if not impossible to fake the errors shown.
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