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Everything posted by I'llhavethat1

  1. Worth mentioning that what sometimes appear to be "seams" can actually be "folds" in the pattern.
  2. At least a couple of those look handgathered. A couple maybe not so much but hard to tell from the pics.
  3. Amber slag near the middle of first pic looks neat. Nice haul
  4. Not seeing MFC here, could be Alley based on size/colors/pattern. MFC typically have a very distinct 9 pattern from hand gathering. I see what you were thinking but it's more likely a result of a fluke (some machine made marbles end up with an unintentional 9).
  5. Looks like a fun drawer to sort marbles into, is it one of those printing die drawers? Last pic, group of three marbles near the bottom?
  6. These mostly look like Imperials, considered foreign (ie; Asia or Mexico) and newer in the realm of marble collecting (ie: within last 60 years)
  7. Robwell, most of your marbles appear to have been in a fire (?) Sometimes surface irregularities can be mistook for pontils. You may have a German handmade in your group pic, but the pontils might not be apparent due to damage.
  8. I'm not recognizing it, looks handmade but if you found some initials on there that's surprising but may be helpful for your search.
  9. 1-red handmade German slag with "chevron" pattern 2-blue handmade German slag with "chevron" pattern 3-mint green and jet black flame (similar to Alley pistachio, but more of a CAC pattern/glass quality) 4-a Mica marble with black core and blizzard of mica surrounding it (hey, you asked, lol) 5-Navarre with 9 and tail, tight twists Good question, got my gears turning
  10. Cool. that would make the Sulphide pretty small then...
  11. Nice group, the divided core is a 3-layer (3-stages) and looks pretty neat. Worth noting a 'standard' marble size is approx 5/8" and they don't get much smaller than 1/2". Largest usually tops out around 2" but there are some vintage handmades that were 2.5"+ and also some modern contemporaries that are much larger
  12. Jten, that's gotta be a two-hander. Nice display
  13. Now, that's what I'm talking about "Seems like all the kids today are collecting these new-fangled machine made marbles" lol
  14. Yeah, that'll keep you sorting for a while. Looks like a good variety so you should be able to learn as you go. I didn't see the steelie with cross pictured but some of them were actually stamped (hollow) and ended up with a cross fold on top where the four points (for lack of better description) come together. Looked like some old German handmades in the mix as well, so hurray for that
  15. Might have been a plan that didn't pan out? Interesting article nonetheless.
  16. I'd go with Peltier, CAC, Peltier in that order. Nice pics and marbles. Slight chance of Alley on the second one.
  17. Yeah, hard to tell from the pics. Don't recall seeing that many ribbons on a Popeye, looks more like a pelt from the first pic. Seeing in hand or other pics/angles would certainly help.
  18. Ugh. Weird looking one for sure. I could see it as corkscrew colors, with a very messed up pattern but I believe this color combo (good ol' red& white) and hints from the pattern would lean more towards some type of older marble. Probably decades older than what you'd see from Vitro. What's the size? Are there any translucent parts or is it fully opaque? Goes without saying the huge chip detracts from the value (would be worthless to some people), but way I see it, there is always value in discussion.
  19. Is $760 a "repurposed" value (ie: for marbles) or are there spool collectors out there that pay this much? Seems a bit on the high side to me but it would be interesting to have
  20. Based on (what looks like) a long tail, I'd guess dog. But it could certainly be a wolf or fox or something else. There was a lot of variation with sulphide figures
  21. Hard to say, but 5th pic down in original post made me think Pelt. Swirly, but Pelt.
  22. Thanks for posting the link... A lot of times people will say "check out my auctions" , but no link.
  23. Nice pics! Someday I hope to have the patience and gear to do something like that
  24. Old pic, but here are some others I've come across over the years Added a few since, and continuously on the hunt so would love to see some more examples
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