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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph


    I associate the buttcrack more with smaller sizes of Jabo. The large ones have a lot of space to swirl in. I'm leaning vintage on your biggie. From the colors I'm getting a Veiligglas vibe here.
  2. Steph


    .7 inch does make it interesting.
  3. That's creepy, and I love it. "Trypophobia" ... don't google it ...
  4. British marble player and historian. Helped me with some of my work. From British and World Marbles Championship - Posts | Facebook: We are very sad to announce that Sam McCarthy-Fox died on July 7th. Sam was 76 and had been suffering from heart failure. In 1978 there was an attempt to relocate the annual marbles tournament from its home at The Greyhound to Crawley Leisure Centre. As a great lover of the preservation of traditions Sam was not happy at this, and, after speaking to a few like minded players, he persuaded them to play at Tinsley Green anyway, and a new era began. Over the last 40 years the British and World Marbles Championship has gone from strength to strength with Sam at the heart of it, and he was enormously proud of that. He was especially proud of how we were always able to include anyone in a team if they wanted to play on Good Friday, and how we managed to maintain what was of utmost importance to him, the importance of tradition over competition, while running a world renowned event. Our players vary from complete novices to those with decades of experience, and Sam's philosophy was always to make them all welcome and allow them all to play. One of the other things he particularly loved was the way in which the German teams have become an integral part of each Good Friday at Tinsley Green, and how players who have moved away continue to return each year to be part of our living tradition. As well as running this tournament Sam was passionate about everything to do with marbles. He had a huge collection of over 100,000 of these beautiful glass spheres and he would never turn one away if it needed a good home. One year he even appeared in the Guinness Book of Records sitting in a bathtub full of them! Sam visited marbles tournaments in several countries over the years and had a vast network of marbles connections worldwide, many of whom became close friends. He also enjoyed visits to marbles factories in America, learning all that there was to know about the manufacture of marbles. Throughout every year Sam answered numerous queries about marbles in all shapes and forms, giving interviews to radio and television companies and written publications around the world - he has given talks on marbles, run marbles workshops and was happy to discuss them with anyone who would listen. His archive of marbles memorabilia was extensive and he has compiled a comprehensive history of Good Friday tournaments. Sam was a true ambassador for marbles and our tournament was very lucky to have him for so many years. Thank you Marble Sam - we will miss you.
  5. Steph

    My new kittens

    LOL! Good Whiskers! I'm hoping my kiddoes will like marbles. I had one boy long ago who did. Marbles and buttons. And I spent too much time trying to keep them away from him, not enough time giving him some and watching him play. I was sad about that when he was gone.
  6. We would call the top right "marbles". No extra word. They're a mix of makers and ages so I can't narrow it down beyond that.
  7. If you're seeing tiny differences within the groups of cat's eyes, then I'll say they don't matter much. For most of the cat's eyes there you'll get a general answer of "Asian". The ones with the clearest base glass could be "early", as in 1960's or late 50's. Other times what will seem like tiny differences to you -- like in the marbles that we call "swirls" or marbles from the various patch companies -- might seem like big differences to us. There's so much to learn about marbles. Can't think of any good rule of thumb for learning ID's.
  8. The addition of this green view cinched it for me. Akro.
  9. Which Pelt? Do you mean this "Blue Angel" auction? Because I'm seeing a modern swirl on this one. 5/8" Peltier Blue Angel NLR Marble In Wet Mint Condition Check Photos. | eBay
  10. The so-called Red Angel they have posted is a basic Rainbo. The Blue Angel is not Pelt, but not sure what. I'm looking through Vacor styles now.
  11. Steph


    I'll go with Vitro.
  12. That bubbly black one is making me think of Bogard. Could it be?
  13. What size? I'm leaning toward Alley. With some water damage or heat damage on the surface.
  14. I believe this to be more than a typical number of colors for this style. I recall mine as having three colors apiece.
  15. I think the ox happens by accident. Oxblood is a copper based coloring, as are some blues and greens. Not sure about the reds, but when I see ox in them I guess they must have been. So I think the ox just happens sometimes when people were trying to get those other colors.
  16. German clay. I think the color layer might come off with water.
  17. Here's a pic taken by the granddaughter of the founder of Alox showing a range of their marbles including their big sparkler types. It was questioned whether Alox made them or bought them from Master. Since I've seen similar in Master packaging, I'm pretty sure Master. And though Alox was known to make swirls and some patches, there were also known to jobber marbles from other makers.
  18. Steph


    Maybe a "European Sparkler".
  19. I had no idea eBay would take that much in fees. Last time I sold was about 5 year ago.
  20. Three marbles? The first is a West Virginia Swirl. I'm thinking maybe Ravenswood. I'll go all in and suggest (hope for) Ravenswood on the middle marble also. I think I'm seeing an Akro corkscrew on the last. Or a "lazy corkscrew" if the ribbon doesn't make a full rotation.
  21. I'm with you on Vitro. Tri-Lite.
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