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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Chad and I were posting at the same time ... with the same conclusion.
  2. Hi. Welcome. Possibly Christensen Agate on the first. The second looks like it might be on the other side of the age spectrum and might be part of one of the contract runs done after 2007 by Jabo or D.A.S. or a related enterprise.
  3. I spent so much time in a closet with my blacklight that I got a tan on my forearm from how I was holding the light!
  4. Whoa!!!!! Thanks Josh! Crazy cool marble! Still go with Ron when all things are equal ... but be glad that other people still feel free to jump in with their info! LOL
  5. Well, this is about ball mills: Ball mill - Wikipedia I tried to find a standard link which is used to explain the Atlanta/Tennessee marble hoax, but it's not coming up for me in Google. Maybe someone else knows the link. Here's an old old thread I posted on the subject ... linking to other threads which probably aren't there anymore. https://marbleconnection.com/topic/6908-mostly-pix-fake-chinas-tennesseeatlanta-porcelains It's definitely time for a new thread with more direct information, better pix and fewer external links. After I made that thread the kinds of decorations that we encountered on the mill balls has expanded. But I still don't recognize yours. So if yours does turn out to be one, then the designs have expanded a little farther.
  6. I don't actually recognize the color pattern from any era, whether antique or whether a style favored by the mill ball hoaxers. I'm going purely by the look of the surface crazing.
  7. The crazing on this one makes me think you may have a used industrial mill ball which someone decorated to try to make it look like an antique marble. At 1/2" or less, I'm up in the air. I don't remember seeing the hoax mill ball marbles being so small. Does it feel light like clay, or a bit heavier .... (The industrial mill balls tend to have a heavy feel relative to their size.)
  8. I'm sorry you saw her poisonous post. We fixed the problem as fast as we could. I hoped you managed to miss it altogether.
  9. Interesting! Hanvntlostem, Ron (wvrons) is the king of marble ID's. I had hoped he would weigh in. At this point I had been sitting on the fence between Akro and Marble King, in spite of my early Vitro thought. When in doubt go with whatever Ron says. One last note: We never asked the size. That is often helpful for an ID.
  10. Actually that is an interesting thought, which would put the marble a couple of decades later. Nice marble. Too many choices.
  11. I too am leaning toward Vitro Tri-Lite. Estimate 1930's on the date whether it turns out to be Vitro or something else such as Akro.
  12. I really really really wish I could find my marble that had a cursive S. The marble is probably gone forever but a picture of it probably still exists ......
  13. I'm leaning Master.
  14. Rare and Hard to Find | peltiermarblesinfo
  15. Pelt to me. Looks related to the Tootsie Roll.
  16. Steph

    My new kittens

    Loved 'em to pieces. But imagine lying down on the couch to watch TV with those two both on your chest. My old body is looking forward to being the lifetime perch of lighter weight sweethearts.
  17. Steph

    My new kittens

    When they were a little younger.
  18. Steph

    My new kittens

    Here's a pic of my last two "kittens" ... back in 2004 or so ... when they were four-years-old.
  19. Steph

    My new kittens

    My kiddos will turn 11 weeks old tonight. Have had them for a month. I'm making myself get a little practice with the video on my cellphone before they get too big. Big is relative here. I think they'll stay small as far as cats go. Punkin was only 1.5 pounds at the 10 week weigh-in. Bear was 2.5, so she's still in normal range, but their parents are pretty small. I'm used to some gigantic cats. I'm looking forward to cats that will stay small enough to share lap room. If you watch on fullscreen you can see some pretty good detail on Punkin's forelegs. Edit: oh yes, I forgot the video shows up pretty big already in Marble Connection's format.
  20. Love it! And a happy and safe Fourth to you.
  21. I expect it's part of a regular clearie run. I think the oxblood is accidental, associated with the blue coloring. The path the oxblood ribbon traces could help illuminate the structure of the marble, and thus could give a clue about who made it, but that would just guessing the maker for fun. Nothing definitive about maker. Edit to add: but not Christensen. Probably someone who was making marbles in the 40's or later.
  22. After an unfortunate detour which resulted in this thread needing to be closed, the problem has been fixed, the thread is cleaned up and reopened. Thanks for everyone who was on top of this.
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