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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I think maybe Vacor on top. Not sure at all on the middle. The bottom are intriguing. I'm aware of a Peltier Woody, but not aware of a Marble King Woody. I am considering Marble King, but also am considering a modern-ish Vitro. Seems like maybe too many stripes for a Peltier.
  2. Is that blue in the upper right corner if the picture part of the marble? Having trouble thinking of anything with that blue and that green.
  3. I'm getting an Akro vibe there. Is it a "lazy corkscrew"? (not quite a full turn?)
  4. I should be able to tell at a glance. I'm looking at a pic of some of mine and trying to see if I see a match ... and I'm not quite there. They look sort of like my bottom left. Might just be a difference in lighting making me unable to lock in the match. Will wait to hear what others say. Mine:
  5. If vintage, then I'd go with some West Virginia swirl manufacturer on these.
  6. This could be Marble King. Could be Vitro. Could be some other company which usually does patches (which could include Akro but that's low on my list)
  7. Steph


    Very rarely is it possible to i.d. them with any confidence. In the past I have found it amusing to try to detect whether they were made on a swirl machine or a patch machine but most probably wouldn't believe or care if someone said they could sort them by manufacturer or decade. I have a special fondness for them but they're commons.
  8. Six! I'm impressed. I too lack lady taters. But am blessed to have my tater bug family.
  9. I've heard of someone who calls himself Dr. Marbles on facebook. Did video sessions. But I never became acquainted with him. The bubble is a nice little surprise inside, but I don't think it means anything for the ID. I agree with Alley flame.
  10. Yes, Vacor on the red and yellow. A modern slipped in with the vintages. And Alley on the white and orange.
  11. Consider Alley. On both. Alley "West Virginian" immediately popped to mind for the one on the right.
  12. scrumptious I got a face full of fall leaves from a blast of wind while walking home yesterday. It was awesome.
  13. When I have a picture on my computer that I want to work on in Paint, I right click on the picture then hover over the "open with" option. That gets me to the option to open it in Paint.
  14. Oh yeah, another beautiful corkscrew.
  15. Are the clays super large or are the benningtons super small?
  16. I'm not seeing it as metallic. From this angle it looks like fractures.
  17. So what device are you using? I asked earlier because if you're on a phone, I have no idea what to say. I don't have a cellphone. My husband does, but I don't know how to use it. I have a Windows computer. And I use the very basic Paint program on Windows to resize pictures.
  18. Yes, they should be clearly identified. I'm not aware of how well they would sell. Most sentiment that I know of is against polishing except for one's personal collection, and even then many times people are against polishing. Most of the positive feedback about polishing that I've been aware of in the past has been because there was one much-loved man who was doing polishing and people wouldn't want to hurt his feelings. That was Leroy. But Leroy has passed away, and that brings up the question of who might still be available to polish? And would they be anywhere near as affordable as Leroy was? So that's one other thing to consider -- if you were polishing marbles in order to sell them, would the cost of polishing be more than the marble could bring at market? As you can see, I have more questions than answers. But I think I've given a pretty good summary of issues involved, if not resolutions of the issues.
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