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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I knew I should have opened this post sooner. I had planned to. But *brain numb* The pix:
  2. I don't see a price. I have a copyright date of 2014. The pictures are nice -- large and detailed. If I studied it more, it could help get me past my mental block on style names of antique handmades.
  3. Maybe it will be easy for an experienced slag collector. Maybe the shade on the red will be a giveaway to someone not named Steph.
  4. Easy guess? Not for me. I see why the contrast with the smaller marble would make one think "not-CAC". And you could be right. The shade is different and the kinda sorta road and tunnel on the bigger one could just be a coincidence. But the swirling is not quite "indistinct" enough for me to feel confident making a guess.
  5. It's a pretty good starting place for building a wishlist.
  6. Steph


    I see why you think Master. The glass texture is pointing me toward the possibility of it being a non-American marble. Possibly Asian. Possibly European. It's a keeper either way. Not common.
  7. Hi. No MFC's. I can confidently say that. They had a very limited variety of glass color combinations so that makes it easy to rule out. Other than that, I'm not sure. Just wanted to drop in and say hi.
  8. I got my first Akroware this past year. It's all normal size stuff. I was surprised by how large actually. Had been expecting small all along. Would still like some little items, but need to make more room on the shelves first.
  9. Chad, Facebook does have a translation option. Maybe you need to be logged in to see it? I noticed yesterday that things were in English which I had wanted to see in Spanish, so I had to look for the "show original" option in order to get back to the Spanish words. So I go back in forth between the two, all by clicking the show original or show translation links.
  10. A Spanish-language oriented marble group on facebook. I'm intrigued by the possibilities of what I could learn there. Maybe you would be too. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1846511308826931
  11. Are you typing the img tags out by hand? I posted your image address without adding any tags. Then I hit enter. And the picture appeared.
  12. I think four WV swirls plus in the #2 spot maybe a Vitro? I started to say Vitro without a question mark but before I finished typing I was already second-guessing and third-guessing myself. Thoughts of Akro, Peltier and Kokomo all intruded.
  13. Modern Marble King I save the name Green Hornet for the 1950's to 1970's patch-and-ribbon version. [Edit: versions, plural. I know of two.] This looks like a more recent patch arrangement.
  14. Middle cat's eye is Marble King. I'm seeing Vacors in the last group.
  15. Not sure why they didn't work for you, Chuck. I posted the addresses and hit "enter" and the pictures showed up for me automatically.
  16. Chad, I'm afraid to answer about "specials" because it could start a debate which would be very off-topic. I guess I can break it into a separate thread if we get too far afield. To the best of my understanding, Akro didn't make any style that they specifically called "Special". That is a collector's name. Dark outline of the sort which is a relatively common byproduct of multicolor marble manufacture doesn't change what Akro intended. It might indeed get some collectors to call it a Special, but generally not me. If Akro ran the marble in their standard two-color Prize Name run and it got an additional thin stream of dark glass on the borders of the main colors that didn't stop it from being a Prize Name. Also, here's a good time to say Bruce is right about white or gray or cream or whatnot being counted as one of the two colors. But I don't know how non-white a white-ish shade would need to be for people to think of it as "non-white". In the blue/gray one that I think you're talking about, Sara, I'm seeing it as still in the blue/white region. As one last side note, I note that the colors didn't have to be strictly opaque ... some transparency slipped into some the ribbons of some marbles in Prize Name runs but the overall effect was still an opaque marble and that was apparently good enough for Akro. Akro named their intentional three-color version "Tri-Color Agate". "Special" is one of those names like "Ace" which early collectors saw on boxes or something and made conclusions about but the conclusions turned out to not quite match what Akro meant (or what Akro probably, in my opinion, meant). Akro sold assortments in boxes marked Special. They advertised Sparklers as one of the things you might get in a Special Assortment. And they had various other marbles including popeyes in the Special section of their salesman sample box.
  17. A little variation in shading or some chemical reaction between the two colors doesn't stop it from being a Prize Name. Here are some Prize Names in a salesman sample case. If I understand what you're saying, you might not have thought some of them would belong, right?
  18. This could be a job for Super Jessica. @disco005? You in hearing range?
  19. What do you mean by interchanging construction and structure? They sound roughly synonymous but I can see how they could be different. I probably use the word "structure" more. Would have to catch myself saying "construction" to see how I apply it.
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