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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I'm opening the rest. Right now! no I'm not but I want to
  2. 5/8" I have no idea who made this. Came in the Advent gift box. My first thought was Alley. Then Ravenswood. Then I wondered if Akro was a possibility. First two views sunlight. Next with flash. Then UV. I guess the pictures are pretty close, except there is more distinct clarity in the base glass, with what I am seeing as tan filaments. (But I couldn't tell 100% if it was tan filaments in clear or white filaments in a tinted base.)
  3. I suspect Mexican or Asian and modern but I'm not sure: This one is Asian. Also modern. It's sometimes called an "Imperial". This marble is probably a Jabo. Made between 1991 and 2007. This marble is probably a Jabo made after 2007. Not seeing enough detail on this one ... seems some possibility it could be older. Not seeing enough detail on this one but what I see is intriguing.
  4. Ooops ... that last one was Day 18. Today is Day 19. Head spinning. I thought the cork was going to have a Carnelian glow. It doesn't. That's okay. It's still a beauty. The photo made it look more mossy inside than it does in hand -- but that's probably what it is -- a moss agate. One of those "exquisite" ones from the Akro ads. But the swirl on Day 6 does have a Carnelian glow ... the one I thought was Alley or Ravenswood ... how swirly could Carnelians be?
  5. lol ... good one, Royal Day 19 I captured a little bit of the string of lutz in the blue. Santa Claus is comin to town ....
  6. Royal, I'll need some help later with the red, white and blue ... it also has yellow ... and green flakes which make me think of a Jabo contract run.
  7. understood ... I took a leap and sent some special marbles to my nieces and nephews and didn't even hear back from them, not about the marbles. About other things. They're good kids. But not about the marbles. It was an exercise to detach myself from thinking about the ones which might have still been in my Akro box.
  8. Day 16 ❤️ My favorite song of the season ... good King Wenceslas
  9. Ah, supposedly I can do an old attachment, or an old gallery photo. Testing. Here is one of my old attachments: Here is one of my gallery photos:
  10. Hi. Good luck in your efforts. Down at the bottom of my reply window I see and "insert other media" button. When I click on that, I see that supposedly I can pull up one of my old attachments. Here's the screenshot of that. In the next post I will see if I can actually access one of those old attachments.
  11. I need to keep taking a daily marble picture when this is over. Just think how much nicer life would be if everyone took a marble picture a day.
  12. I got there too late for most of the auctions. Congrats on the sales. I see most had takers. I probably wouldn't have bid because I'm not buying much these days ... but I would have spent a coupla minutes thinking about this one. It's wild! https://www.ebay.com/itm/MARBLES-EXTREME-SPAGHETTI-SWIRLING-BLUE-ON-WHITE-13-16-034-MINT-/372863499454?hash=item56d0657cbe%3Ag%3AxB8AAOSw0w9d5v1C&nma=true&si=91sxhr5wMimzoJSiFnoWmhYfkFM%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  13. I think the chunky cat is Pelt. And I think Jabo on the shooter.
  14. Welcome back. What a fun day that looked like. Nice run elements ... I liked the wheels. And I want the giant marble!
  15. Size? Gonna say no on rarity ... unless it's a big marble. One thing black bennies were used for was ballot boxes -- like at men's clubs.
  16. A typical way to measure marbles is with plastic calipers. You're trying to measure the diameter. A quick and easy way to give us an idea is to include a ruler or a coin with your marble photos. Calipers:
  17. I was wondering also. I have not seen many of those even in photos.
  18. Again as noted on the other thread, giving the marble size can help with making IDs. p.s., hi and welcome
  19. Possibly a vintage "West Virginia swirl" here. Possibly Heaton or Cairo Novelty but there are other possibly WV companies who could have made it.
  20. I am leaning Jabo here.
  21. What I see of this makes me think if vintage "transparent swirl"
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