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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Hmmmm again ... maybe more views on #9 ... briefly wondering if it could be a slag with a whole lot of white.
  2. Maybe Master on #7, or possibly a foreign marble. Slag on #4. Possibly slag again on #5. I wondered about slag on #6, but am leaning swirl there. I'll say WV swirl for the rest of them: 3, and 9 through 11. Hmmm ... because of the bright white base and the crisp red someone could talk me into Christensen Agate on #10. Thank you, and a good weekend to you too.
  3. Cool video, and nice collection. Regarding Al's observation, I did increase the speed a little because I have a short attention span. I enjoyed.
  4. Steph


    Intriguing. Yeah, I don't see Pelt. But I also am not ready to join in with Jabo. Those ribbons are crisper than what I associate with Jabo in general. Curious to hear from others.
  5. Imperial on the blue. Maybe Akro Moss Agate on the cloudy one.
  6. Yes to WV swirls on 3 through 8. At least on 4 through 8. Maybe 3.
  7. Do 1, 2, 9 and 10 have one patch or two? Generally want to see two (or more) patches for a Marble King. One MK-like patch could point to Akro.
  8. That last picture seems to be showing a "buttcrack". That doesn't necessarily mean Jabo, but it does happen a lot with Jabos. I can't tell. Could be an error corkscrew. Could be a wonky patch. Could be a very nonbusy swirl.
  9. I agree. #12 (near the empty space at #1) does appear to be an Akro Moonie. Cool. Peltier on #3. Need seems or patch ends on #2. Three different views look Vitro, Peltier or Jabo. Jabo on #4. Master on #6. WV swirls on 8, 9, 10 ... no guesses about maker. Well, if it's Alox, it's not techincally a WV swirl, so safer to lump it in with "transparent swirls". (Some of the views on 8 looked Jabo, but one definitely looked older.) I wouldn't call #11 a wirepull. If it's a wirepull then it's European, probably Veiligglas in Amsterdam. And it might turn out to be, but I'm not seeing it. I don't have a guess for it.
  10. Not a Helmet. Maybe a lazy corkscrew, which would be an Akro corkscrew which wanted to cork but didn't make a full twist. Or maybe a Peltier? Or maybe a really lazy swirl? The marble which is looking white in some of these new pix is looking Mastery.
  11. This is a nice little piece about an accomplished young woman and her proud mother. Read more: Shillington woman whose mother won the first US marbles Championship again takes the crown
  12. Is #7 a corkscrew? The underlighting isn't helping me see what's inside the cat eye. One view makes me think maybe Vitro. The filaments I see in another view make think it could turn out to be Master. Are the rest swirls? The non-busy ones like 1, 4 and 5 ... just not seeing enough detail on them. I assume swirls. For a couple of views I wondered if #11 was a slag, but the last photo puts #11 firmly in the swirl family.
  13. Those meet the white ribbon requirement. However, I think these are later swirls. Possibly Champion Agate.
  14. Not slag. Slag needs white glass swirled around. and you are most welcome
  15. (so you got it mostly right )
  16. 1 through 6 are Vitro All Reds. Sometimes they get a little extra color to them. Agree WV swirl on 7, 9. Yes to MK bumblebee on 12. 11 is quite likely an MK game marble. I don't know on 11 either. I'll go with "transparent swirl". 8? significant cold rolls on that one. Not sure what's insidee.
  17. I agree. I know nothing about the writing on it ... about when it would have been done. I would guess relatively recently. But that would only be a guess.
  18. Here's an example of the Japanese style. Sara posted it . @Sara Sass A v-shaped seam instead of a straight one.
  19. If I'm not careful I won't get caught up with 2019 before 2020! Here's another. June 7, 2019. Alley Silverbacks. Intriguing name. I've sent a note to Dave to ask what the story behind these is. Edit: got my answer. Items made from silver were added to the glass. Also Alley cullet was used. If you find a marble from this run with black aventurine, that's a sign you might have one with silver also.
  20. I don't mean that you have a Japanese marble in your group. Just that there is a Japanese style which exists, which sometimes can be taken for a Vitro Conqueror. Your center marble has a long straight seam, so I think it's Vitro. The Japanese marble has a different shaped seam.
  21. Other than WV swirl no. There are only a few WV swirls that I recognize by maker. #4 does look a bit different now . Maybe it's not a WV swirl. Maybe a slag.
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