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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph

    Help ID 17

    You have some old some new. The way they're arranged makes it hard to point out which is which. The ones with three narrow ribbons, in three colors equally spaced around the marble, those are modern Asian. The green on white at about 3 o'clock -- Akro Moss Agate. The white with a large red patch and smaller green patch near the center -- Akro Tri-Color Agate.
  2. First pic: Peltier Multicolor Rainbos. From the NLR period. I agree with NLR Rebel.
  3. My only guess: Vacor Picasso https://www.billes-en-tete.com/detail.php?id=45
  4. Akro on left. I'm confident of that. I don't know on right. With the colors my first thought was Vitro, but with the structure you're right to consider Akro.
  5. Maybe Jabo on the top left. Maybe Akro on the bottom left. The green ones on the bottom might turn out to be Akro also. Or Vitro? I'm not placing that lime shade. Maybe Akro on the top right also. I thought I ought to recognize the top middle ... but then I saw the small additional piece of yellow in the last photo and that was out of place on what I thought it might be. To ID patches, I often need to see seams. You show a seam in the bottom left marble of the first photo. A little off-center, and centered is better, but that's the feature I look for.
  6. Wow ... was it 8 days ago that you made that last post? Time has flown.
  7. There are some JC's in this list: https://marbleconnection.com/topic/20926-contemporary-marble-artists
  8. Steph

    Help ID 16

    Second from the right looks like a slag. The rest look like they're from WV swirl companies.
  9. Steph


    My first thought on bottom right was modern Asian ... but not seeing enough structure to be sure. Long seams on top left made me think of Vitro or MK. Solid color marbles usually go unidentified.
  10. Not seeing any clear patterns ... so I'm going with WV swirls for all.
  11. All MK Rainbows. The ones with 3 colors are called Tri-Color Rainbows. Not sure what to say about "similar styles". Similar is relative ... but these are MK. If the green rainbows have much aventurine I've heard people call them Grasshoppers.
  12. Hi. Welcome. That looks like a machine-made cutline, not a handmade pontil. But you''re only seeing one cutline? What does the opposite side of the marble look like? Unusual color combination/configuration. At that size I might think Vacor. But I don't recognize the style. Maybe someone else will .. or will have a different opinion about the cutline.
  13. Some are from the last 20 or 30 years, including some Jabos and Vacors. There are some cat's eyes which could be older, possibly from as early as the 1950's, possibly from Japan.
  14. Neither one is a "Tri-Color". The Tri-Color Agate patch has a white base with surface striping in bright colors -- like red, blue, yellow, green, and sometimes oxblood. Having three colors isn't enough to make a Tri-Color -- there's a certain style. In spite of the long seams on the earthtone marble, the colors make me think Master. If someone else thinks Akro, I wouldn't argue much. Still not a Tri-Color Agate. Here's a box of Tri-Colors.
  15. If the left one is Vitro, the colors make me think Anacortes. My first thought on the right would have been Akro.
  16. Master Sunburst on the black, orange and white. With that color combination, a lot of people would call it a Tiger Eye. (Some purists might say the structure isn't quite right -- I don't know. ) A _nice_ marble. Could be Akro Moss Agate on both of the blue and whites on the bottom row. Not sure on top right. Not sure on the red one or the white one. The read could be an Akro Flintie. Would want to understand the structure more though. The white .... also would want to understand the structure. What do the cutlines look like? And does it have any "fire" inside. An Akro Moonie is expected to glow orange when you hold it up to a bright light. A Master Cloudy won't. (Those are two options for a translucent white marble but not the only ones.)
  17. It does have an Akro feel to it. I'm not getting a corkscrew sense from it. Could be a patch. But you have it in hand. You're probably seeing more twist than I am.
  18. Yes. All Marble King. Do you mean Rainbow Red on the last one? It's not a classic Rainbow Red pattern, not the one I recognize anyway. I don't know if it has a special name. (See how the colored ribbons go around the middle in Jose's Rainbo Reds: https://marbleconnection.com/topic/24249-help-id-3/.) The top right (which I'm also loving) might have some name other than "Rainbow" ... but I'm not up on MK names for the ones which aren't your basic patch and ribbons.
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