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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Welll ... it's a cool item. If it were mine, I would definitely hang onto it hoping for more clues to surface.
  2. I believe that several of us communicated with the Phoenix police department last year. The case number I was given at the time was #612902. I sent a note to the officer I was in contact with, giving him a link to that auction and this thread.
  3. Yeah, that seems like pretty sure thing. I was wondering if it might be a game piece. But it's pretty large. So
  4. There is a recaption option at Cheezburger.com. I edited out the lolspeak of this one just for you.
  5. Are there hundreds? Thousands? (Was just googling around looking for a boxer sulphide for Randy's thread and saw more different sulphides than I previously imagined were out there.)
  6. Luv the Zombie baby! (misspelling "lurv" for Bob's benefit ;-)
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