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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Do they look like anything on this page? http://www.megaglass.com/c/glass-flats-decor-stones.html
  2. They're handmade gold marbles with white stripes. Here are some examples. http://morphyauctions.auctionflex.com/showlot.ap?co=31120&weid=23424&weiid=8526873&archive=n&keyword=gooseberry&lso=lotnumasc&pagenum=1&lang=En
  3. That pink is hot! A collector in Puerto Rico? What kind of mibs does he find there?
  4. That's a beauty. Thank you very much.
  5. Yah, I remembered the "Blue Devil" discussion. I'm not sure what the color is exactly on Howard's marble there. I was viewing it as white or off white when I first posted. And that ebay link looked white and said off white so that was good. I didn't know the range of colors available on the blue base.
  6. Re: the 2nd one ... do we know anyone who made that kind of marble with seams other than CAC?
  7. Clearing up one technicality -- Akro made corks during 1930. And possibly during 1929. The Prize Name contest which came with the introduction of corks ended in May 1930.
  8. Here are a couple of favorites I don't think I have in this thread yet.
  9. I watched that one episode. We don't have cable so I don't know if I'll get to see any others. Sometimes I like lolspeak. Sometimes it's so bad, I won't post the picture. Most times I don't notice whether it's there or not. The lolcat Bible wouldn't be the same without lolspeak. (We'll discuss the future of my blasphemous soul at a later date.) I love "o hai!" for cute aminal hellos. ( :
  10. I forgot how much you disliked lolspeak. Thanks for being such a good sport in spite of it all.
  11. I love the before and after all growed up pictures.
  12. Watching it now on hulu. I haven't had much luck watching tv online so I wasn't optimistic but it's working so far and :rolleye-842: :rolleye-842:
  13. That 2nd one is close to what I'm looking at. Thx.
  14. There's a marble I thought was a Master but the more I look at it, the more I think maybe Vitro. Sorry, no pix on this end. But if you have any you could share of blue based Vitros, it would be much appreciated. Thanks!
  15. American Machine-Made Marbles mentions a Roosevelt marble and a Babe Ruth marble. Have you seen either of those? In pix or in person?
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