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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph


    I suspect Vacor Scorpion. DETAILS (billes-en-tete.com)
  2. Cat Eye Love! And I find that shade of blue particularly appealing.
  3. Yes. And I mostly wanted to know when he began, so thanks for that info, but any other information would be welcome.
  4. When was Tom Thornburgh making his ceramic marbles? Is he still with us?
  5. Mibology had to start somewhere. Interesting look at an early stage of the understanding of the subject. We've come a long way, baby.
  6. The damage on that one is strangely appealing. It looks like a really fancy hunk of mineral.
  7. Well, here's an update I should have done way back when. This is probably one of the marbles that Hansel was speaking of. Discussion: If Not Gutta, Then What? - Archives - Marble Connection
  8. Here's another innard that I'll migrate here. Dindo posted it a few years back. A Vacor. https://marbleconnection.com/topic/23766-inside-a-vacor/
  9. Nice bump! I LOVE this topic. Still intriguing that the cost difference between the base glass and glass in the veneer was so great that money was saved by going to all the expense of complicated veneering machinery.
  10. For some reason, this box has always fascinated me. Especially when it contains patches!
  11. This pic has a couple of games I first learned about when we picked them up at garage sales. The Brick By Brick is dated 1992. We got it today. I'm doing it solo. I'm better than I thought I would be. lol Actually the 30 Second Mysteries could probably be done solo but I think more fun with someone else reading the clue card. Hubby played it with me on the day we got it. Will probably try to talk him into doing it again. That one is from 2015 and I see it is still available on the retail market.
  12. Steph


    With that pair of patches, I'm going to go against the flow and say Marble King.
  13. Mmmmmm ..... sunnnnnnn. I remember sun. Yeah, that'll be nice when it finally gets to us. Nice of you to give the Jabos a little fresh air.
  14. Hmmmm. I'm going to say Vitro cat eye.
  15. That looks like Pelt feathering. I'm going to say Peltier slag.
  16. Locked pending moderator review.
  17. Machine-made. Maybe Peltier? Or else a cat's eye?
  18. Yep, that bottom left one is Ravenswood. I slid the Ravenswood tray into the Alley photo for comparison.
  19. There's a reason I shy away from swirls! LOL. Red(ish), blue and white ones have been getting my goat forever! First is an old sunlight photo I took with my Alleys in it. Second is a badly lit photo I just took with the Alleys on top and the Ravenswoods in the tray below. It appears my Alleys have some purple tones in the blue ribbons that I didn't notice in person. In hand I still like my Alley blues in comparison with Jeremy's marble, but the orange ribbons are a lot more different than I had wanted to admit to myself. Pictures are forcing me to be honest about it. Denial is not just a river in Egypt.
  20. The color combo is a pretty good match for my dug Alleys. I suppose I could check my Ravenswoods, also. Didn't think to do that. I'll get a picture of my Alleys.
  21. I forgot what the flipside of that page looked like. Or even if there was a flipside. But while looking for Ritzy marbles (unsuccessfully), I found this which I had posted in the past as being part of the same flyer.
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