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Everything posted by Steph

  1. So what would anyone here pay for just a single Ajax advertising mib or just a single Bonux mib with no extras? $20? $50? More? Less?
  2. fwiw, I'm going to be happy when my halves get here. Thank you Rosalie (and Dustin for influencing my decision to bid). :-)
  3. *blush* Thank you very much for the compliment Doogle. :-) I really do suck at schmoozing. I know a lot of it is fear. Seen too many foolish people lapping up other people's praise and believing it. Don't want to wake up one morning and find I was a fool. But LOL I am a BIT jealous of the people who have fun with all the bragging and cavorting. (Dang, I sound smug, don't I. SOORRRRYY!) We all got our own comfort levels. :0) Takes all kinds. So what do you think, guys? Auction ended at $18.36. Okay price for a Woodstock in spite of the story?
  4. *whew* Thanks Gene for pulling my poulet out of the soup! I'd hate to have posted an inaccurate image.
  5. (I understand that animated emoticons are helpful in schmoozing. Do I have that right? )
  6. lol. oh boy. I'll finally get to learn! I have a schmooze mentor!
  7. Pop, check out this thread: Advertising On Marbles...ajax & Bonux
  8. Nothing, oh nothing. Ignore those. They're nothing. *whistles nonchalantly*
  9. Agree that looks like oxblood (and yup Bo, to me that looks like a japanese mib, and yup very cool - wouldn't mind having it!) And agree the ox(like) part is accidental. Fwiw, Gary, my suspicion is that it likely is copper based. I don't THINK that old marble makers used aventurine on purpose. But I do like to think they used copper-related colors. I want to believe. ;-) M!b$ pic shows a trend I've seen. When we think of accidental ox - the kind of glass which many non-newbies might agree looks oxlike - we are most often looking at things in a blue to green range. Or so it has seemed to me. And whether or not mib makers used copper-based colors for that range, it is true that SOME people used copper to make those colors, at least the aqua shades. I started a thread at LOM about the aqua <--> ox connection. Here's that link in case anyone is interested. *whew* now I need to put my head down. This is such a heavy subject. :-)
  10. well, seems a fair bet they aren't played with. (lol. good catch!)
  11. I bid on it for the Ajax marble. I would like one of those. But I have no idea what one of those would be worth and stopped bidding LONG ago.
  12. By "different state", I meant "not Maine". That is, not the same state as the guy who we knew was making fake boxes. I noticed the Ohio, and was saying that you didn't seem like you were Pavcraz. No lie. Sorry for the miscommunication.
  13. I Wish! We don't get Fox! argh. I loved it when we got it. Totally hooked on Cowell. Would be again I'm sure. He's fun. I used to spurn reality TV. But I finally watched Survivor for the first time last fall. Now I can hardly wait for Thursday.
  14. Wow. What a gutsy thing to do. I'd almost be afraid to do that. Scott B. has been threatening to people here at this board. And according to him he has hurt at least one person in a very bad way. Srestep, that was brave of you. Very commendable. Thank you. But do be careful.
  15. Yeah, I bet that's it. Makes sense if the seller got the box from Pavcraz. Pavcraz so far has been THE source for these. He's the guy with the Akro stamps. And he puts them on all sorts of boxes. Every other example I've seen like this so far has traced back to him, sometimes through his alternate identities or his friend in Washington state, or one guy in the UK who was reselling something he bought from Pavcraz. That could very well be it. Heck, if I'd still been watching Pavcraz auctions, I woulda known. But I gave up on following him some time ago.
  16. Is that a hard one? or have people lost interest? :computer-17:
  17. Hope you have a great day! May many Kingfishers roll your way.
  18. Oxblood? . . (pix from Joe Street's site)
  19. This seller gives a different state as their address, whatever that might mean. Here's the auction. I guess linking to it can't count as a spoiler, since everyone seems to think it's already smelly. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180472476813
  20. Not the same guy - unless he's using a different ID, which wouldn't be the first time that happened. Hmmmm ... I should go look at that. Sometimes his alter egos have the same style. That's how I caught one of them. I think you could be right about that version of the flinties being earlier than popeyes. I'm not totally certain though that they didn't overlap, so I'll have to leave confirmation to someone else.
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