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Everything posted by Steph

  1. (because it's sort of random so it's not calling out any other maker's name, plus Akro made the most slags)
  2. Yes, a rainbo. No, not just a rainbo. Peltier Sunset.
  3. Steph

    Toss Up !

    Someone posted something they called a Vitro on facebook j with a thin blue ribbon like that. And I could totally see Vitro there. (Sorry, I can't find the picture now. Posts are too easy to lose on Facebook.) The texture/shade of that green might be what is hanging me up.
  4. Steph

    Toss Up !

    Now you've done it, Ric! I was trying to avoid throwing other maker suggestions in there, but I thought of it!
  5. Steph

    Toss Up !

    Size? The first thought I had was Marble King, but then I quickly went to "good question!"
  6. Steph

    Wet Mint

    I see where that could be tricky, but mostly if you were trying to give it a numerical grade and were tempted to call it a 10. If you're describing it in words, then I think "wet mint with as-mades" is a perfectly legit description.
  7. I'll go with "unusual". But I don't know. I also think older. But where it would be in the timeline compared to a well-defined patch and ribbon ... before, during, after? ... I don't know.
  8. My rant is that last week we were told to expect more than 7 inches of snow in these past two days. THIS is what we got! A pathetic glaze of ice!
  9. I think I could. You can feel the temps go down from "uncomfortable breathing" to "painful breathing" to "excruciating breathing". But I can't swear it. Pretty sure I've been in -20. I know from recent experience that things get quite nippy by -9. Pretty sure I stepped out into -20 once a few years ago, just to say I did it, and back inside I went.
  10. Steph


    Now you guys are seeing what I was seeing. I'm still not saying not MK. But ...... definitely worth a closer look.
  11. Pretty sure Alley. Both the red and the white have a touch of translucence. In a Christensen you're generally going to have very opaque or quite transparent. The translucence points to a WV swirl. And the flamey pattern points to Alley.
  12. Steph


    I'm not saying not to Marble King! I just want to see it closer!
  13. Steph


    More views please. Also would be good to trim out some of that background to show off the marble a little more close-up.
  14. I don't remember a requirement that ribbons go under the surface in the Pelt Sub. I only remember it being a question of what the base glass looks like when backlit. [Edit: with the base looking mostly solid in natural light and going almost transparent when backlit] I have a different issue with the marble. I'm not 100% sure it's Pelt. The pattern looks more Marble King. I'm probably off base with that. I'm not aware of this color combo in Marble King. I'm just getting hung up on low ribbon count and the patch on the end. So, my answer is "maybe" [Edit: but probably not]
  15. Unable to tell what the marbles in the Coca Cola bag are. The bag is so crisp that I'm worried that they're Jabo and that the bag is a fantasy bag in spite of being mesh. But maybe it's actually an old bag and just happens to be as mint as can be.
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