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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Here's an old garish pic of my Sunsets. Probably with flash, because I almost always used flash. I need to (a) find my Sunsets (b) get better photos.
  2. Whether or not they're actually from Germany, I seem to recall these getting the name German Striped Transparent.
  3. I reread that a couple of times, and I see I'm still making you guess a little. Take "contract run" as 2008 or later. In late 2007 there was some experimentation going on. And then in 2008 the investor-funded runs started. If I remember correctly. Josh or some other Jabo-phile might need to correct my dates or add nuance.
  4. (Jabo was founded in 1987. Their bread and butter all this time was industrial marbles -- like the marbles in paint cans. Dave joined Jabo in 1991. He had worked at Champion before that. The play marbles were not Jabo's main product line.)
  5. Jabo started making play marbles in 1991. They closed their doors a few times up to 2007, not knowing if they would open again but they kept getting new lives. In 2007, they took a new turn. They didn't make generic play marbles anymore. They made some really fancy marbles. Investors started providing funds and sometimes special glass and sometimes creative input, and some very pretty limited run marbles started being made. Dave McCullough was still at Jabo at that time, and he was the main man who helped with those runs. Then he left Jabo. Jabo continued making contract runs. And Dave and others continued their own contract runs. There were many groups who were repeat investors. I am an honorary investor in a couple of the Tribute to Friendship runs. Dave's current operation is Dave's Appalachian Swirls. Also known as D.A.S. You'll see aventurine and oxblood and lutz, and frit on the surface, and way more than the usual number of colors from what is found in vintage marbles and early Jabos.
  6. And now it's over $2 per marble. I wouldn't push it past that on something I wasn't sure about. Maybe someone else sees some special rare ones ... and they might not like us drawing attention to the auction. If you don't get the lot, there are some Jabo specialists around these parts who could help you assemble a very nice assortment.
  7. There are some pretty ones. Some snazzy ones. Some big ones. If you want Jabos, and you're not trying to get vintage marbles, then I could see going up to $2 a marble on that variety.
  8. You know they're not "vintage", right? Jabos can be beautiful, and they aren't being made anymore. But over a dollar apiece so far is getting up there, especially for marbles not identified by run. I actually have some Jabos that I'm hoping will get more than a dollar apiece when I get back to selling. But you have hit dicey range. But if you were trying to assemble a lot that looked like that, you would probably have to pay more than that. So if it's Jabo contract run marbles that you want and you don't mind not knowing which is from which contract run, I could see going up to $100.
  9. I have good neighbors. Three neighbors who are in my friend circle. And one neighbor who is neutral. Only the neutral neighbor and one of the friends have decorations and treats for the kids. I was trying to. But it's just not happening this year. So I'm part of the problem! Well, the Halloweeny friends just bought the house on the other side of them and their mother moved into that, so maybe there will be one more trick-or-treaty house in the neighborhood. I'll think harder about doing it next year. One problem we have is that we don't quite have a front door. Our door that's closest to the front is pointing sideways and kids don't see the porchlight easily. We need to get a standing lamp to put outside that door just for Halloween.
  10. The new pictures are making #1 look more clearly Vitro. It might be a Tiger Eye. So, on #2, no cork? Multiple colors are concentrated in one general area? Might have been more of a ribbon but it maybe it got swallowed up and folded into the seams. That base glass makes me think of Peltier and Alley as much as Akro.
  11. Parts of the 2nd certainly have a corkscrew appearance to them ... does the ribbon do a full twist around the marble? The lighting is throwing me as noted in the other thread that I just commented on, but bases on the size and the busy-ness of the pattern, I think the 3rd could be Alley. The translucence of the base that's peeping out in the first has me wondering if it might be Akro but I don't have strong feelings about that.
  12. Hi. It might be the bigger than usual view or something in the light, but my first thought was non-American. If American, I guess I might lean Akro, but I'm not getting that feeling at this time. Do you have any other Akro Tri-Color Agates patches you could photograph together with it?
  13. Neato. Had to read up on those. Had seen 'em in pictures but never really thought about them.
  14. I saw why the pearlized patch was hoped for from the group photo. I think it's a moss agate though.
  15. I think $10 is a good price for that. They appear to be common marbles. The larger marbles could be worth $10 total though. So if it's not something that you have to pay expensive shipping for, then $10 is good price for that great number of marbles. Plus, I like the other toys too.
  16. There is a LOT to learn. For what it's worth, I think I'm seeing common marbles in that group. But that's still a lot of marbles (and other toys) for the small price of $10.
  17. Welcome. I'm not aware of PDF marble books. I look forward to hearing if anyone else knows of one. I would love to see some of the marbles that a collector can find in Portugal. Do you have any favorites?
  18. Steph

    Akro Cork

    Gonna say sweet Akro Onyx.
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