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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Two Rivers, Wisconsin has Ethnic Fest, Apple Fest, Kites over Lake Michigan, many more. One interesting one is Snow Fest. In July. Celebrating this fun find from 1936.
  2. Steph

    My new kittens

    Little ones working on their new clubhouse ....
  3. Steph

    My new kittens

    Our friend left this morning. It was actually pretty cool. He makes his cats step outside their comfort zone in a way I wouldn't do to my cats but all of our cats benefited from it. Within two days his two and our two new ones were spending a lot of time in the same areas. Not exactly friends but good socialization. Our touchy basement cat even got some interaction. The kittens explored the basement more. Back when Bear was in a tent to keep her separate because she was taking a long time to recover from being spayed (did I mention that?), the big cat Bibi got aggressive through her threw the mesh tent walls and their was a pooping accident because Bear was so scared and couldn't escape. But now that Bear is out of the tent, she's able to run away, and so though there is still some aggression it doesn't bother me. It's good exercise for Bibi. Bibi needs the exercise. She gained six pounds last year though she hardly eats anything. Bear and Punkin get along okay. She batted him once or twice early on. And he's still very tiny. He's even lost a couple of ounces from his max, which I'm paying close attention to. He's 2 lb 9 oz, down from 2 lb 11 oz. But the vet office said it might just be from how incredibly active he is. He runs everywhere on his mighty hind legs and his floppy little front legs. "" The kittens are almost 5 months and Bear weighs 5 pounds. Uhhhh ... I'm rambling. I should edit. But I won't. Sooooo ... basically things are good.
  4. Steph

    Vitro bag

    I'll give a very rough guess of 1950.
  5. The white in the first view has a look that could be older, but all together I'm leaning Jabo.
  6. Even though the big guys have already weighed in, I'll go ahead and say that looks Pelt to me. ..
  7. I'm pretty sure not a double ingot. Are you thinking a brown marble fused to a red marble? Double ingots would have two of the same type of marble fused together. Two molten marbles plop onto the rollers one after the other and get stuck together going down the rollers.
  8. Love the bottles. The urine bottle is hilarious but very cool. My Codd bottle is modern. I got it for a small price just to have one, then did some research and learned it's not vintage but that's okay. I can't remember if it's modern because it's from another country that continued the Codd bottle tradition longer than most. Or if it was made more as a curiosity. I just wanted one and now I have it.
  9. Japanese Pincher Game marble.
  10. I would have been leaning toward MFC because of the size. I know Akro did make some marbles over an inch. But did they do slags that large? This will be new information for me.
  11. It really is a pretty item. Too bad the seller was such a jerk.
  12. Even though it has more colors than needed to get into the box, I think Akro would have sold it under the name Tri-Color Agate.
  13. I hesitated over #1 and 2 because of the base Then because of the seams I went ahead and said Vitro. But I don't feel strongly enough about it to dig in.
  14. # 8 is Japanese. I'm not sure about #7. It's very interesting. The ribbons do look Vitro but I'm unfamiliar with that color base with cat's eye vanes. The rest look Vitro to me.
  15. Alleys and Jabos .... hmmmm ... no help there! That can do it.
  16. (what other marbles did it come with?)
  17. Lovely. They look like the Vacor Rustic. So I won't quickly jump to assuming such marbles are Swedish when I see them in ordinary people's collections. I'm just happy knowing more about them. With the ingredients you described above, it sounds like they would be heavy marbles like the Rustics are. Maybe Vacor learned the chocolate method somehow ... or maybe the Rustic marbles were imported by Vacor.
  18. In general we have no issues with posting to other websites. Go for it. Benningtons were made in the 1800's and into the early 1900s. Imported to the U.S. from Germany.
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