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Everything posted by godown

  1. Hi Sara welcome to the forum and the wonderful world of Marbles The " as made " on your Transitional is not all that uncommon i have at least one here with the identical mark and have seen several other posted to forums over the last year or so , Incidentally the term transitional basically refers to the time period when marble making was transforming from handmade to machine made. They are quite easily identifiable when you get a feel for them often the coloured glass will be bunched up with a little indented line in the glass as per your second picture i think you may find you have several more in your slag collection Happy collecting Craig
  2. 89 f down here`s the forecast for today Yep Steph were living the dream atm she`s real smart to Darla ( dont know were she got that from LOL must be mum ) were out in the row boat again today
  3. 95 F down here today Couple shots from yesterday
  4. Hi Steph around 55f is a cold wintery day here the forecast would read something like showers risk of a thunder storm possible hail max temp 15 degrees 25 to 35 knots reaching 40 to 50 knots in thunder storms fine days in the winter can get up in the 60s f spring on the cold clear mornings get a bit of ice on the car windscreen
  5. Thanks Darla should be a good day hopefully we can catch dinner,, stay warm
  6. Cant even imagine 20 below Topped out at 87 f today down here finished of my last bit of work now to enjoy some well earned holidays! fishing for squid with my little girl tomorrow Tuesday i think i will shoot of to the city and see if i can hunt down some marbles in the dirt Its been a while since i found any for the collection
  7. Im down here in western Australia Not to bad today it only got to 84 f Tuesday was a bit much to take considering im a bricklayer working outdoors 111 f my wife works in a medical center, wednesday morning they had a young fella brought in by his boss because he was a bit dizzy there roofing guys they worked on a tin roof tuesday in the heat the soles of there shoes were melting the boss gave him a couple days of work to rehydrate
  8. What a great thread this has become thanks to ALL you guys for sharing Craig
  9. What a beautiful marble wish i could help you out with the Identification but i've looked high and low and cant find one similar !! Certainly a great addition to your collection Craig
  10. I wonder if that cup apparatus the scissor man is cutting into was capable of traveling along the machine via a screw or similar to utilize the whole machine as it appears the guys working to the left in the photo are only using one set of rollers shute and bucket In regards to the slag type transparent color and white opake I also wonder if when mixing the 2 colours the blower had 2 molten pots on for coloured transparent one for white and rolled out a length of cane on the marver table like a red and white christmas candy cane on the end of his punt rod similar to the way the german lats were made would be easy to imagine them cutting more than one glob and therefore i imagine speeding up the whole process wonderful pictures Migbar
  11. Could the Marbles in the Second picture Be German like the colour base glass marbles pictured in the Bag http://marbleconnection.com/topic/2295-trip-to-lauscha/?hl=wirepulls#entry21525
  12. Nice looking Handmades They certainly look like they may have come originally from the ebay seller " Super marbles " http://www.ebay.com/itm/VINTAGE-HAND-MADE-MARBLE-15-16-GROUND-PONTIL-/321522996065?pt=Marbles&hash=item4adc439361
  13. Well done on your purchase Stefan some nice marbles
  14. Some really nice marbles being shown in this thread thanks guys
  15. Thanks guys would have been a pretty nice one Think it does help soaking them in the solution mine is just a little far gone although after soaking it all night it looks better will be giving a few more a little soak today shame these guys are so hard to find in decent condition ive got another odd one not your usual bright colours looks like a solid core with deep ruby bands but i dont know whats rare or whats not i only decided to collect marbles a few months ago
  16. Yep i saw the thread here is what it looks like after 15 minutes in half half sugar water same picture
  17. the core is almost solid with white strips alternating then yellow black white black i haven't seen another on any of the webs sites ive visited Hopeless picture i know the colours are brighter in person the marble is 12 mm
  18. One of our members Swiss Marbles posted his web address in Jeroens 3 rare handmades thread, Great site http://www.glasmurmeln.com/Swirls.htm There is a preview look at the book Steph recomended in google books the first 27 pages are shown in the preview pages 28 to 208 are not shown http://books.google.com.au/books?id=6seHzCPE13QC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Collecting+Antique+Marbles&hl=en&sa=X&ei=VS3nUvjAGMfpkAXx34HYDw&ved=0CD0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=Collecting%20Antique%20Marbles&f=false I also have a pee wee white yellow orange lattice bit different to yours stefan as its lots of white strands and few of the yellow & orange bit beat up though but if you want to see it i will wet it to try to get a picture Craig
  19. Dont mind a bit of the classical the flamenco and even some of the modern music is ok But its hard to beat the stuff you listened to as a young bloke And i like this clip as that little zoey sheila's a cutey http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeaGThqYgkc And some good ol aussie rock http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNmccXdKLZs
  20. I notice one im curious about i dont think its any thing special just an odd ball to me probably 8th picture touching the german handmade tan colour looks a bit different with the white stripes going at right angles to the Seam Cant say seen that before Is That a bit unusual ??
  21. Looks a great haul for variety an interesting little group of 13 pictured left front my kind of marble by the looks few more spilling out of the box might be keen on some of them if there surplus to the collection Craig C
  22. I dont have the marbles i had as a child in the early seventies but i remember having what i presume were japanese cats and some allreds not sure what happened to them when i grew out of playing marbles Then around 5 years ago i got into collecting antique bottles which led me to poking around old homes and vacant land were the older home had been demolished and i started finding the odd mib in trash holes and picking up a few benningtons of the surface after rain along with the occasional penny and assorted coins Which got me to thinking that there must be huge amounts of lost items in the soil and one arvo after work whilst picking up my daughter from child care i spied a big air conditioner grill with 5mm holes in the bin out front they were having renovations so into the back of the truck with it and now when digging any were i sieve the soil This is one of the first Marbles i found, and at the time i had never seen any thing like it although in my eyes its in collectable condition at best I still reckon its a real beauty ive found better mibs since and see better every day on the forums but i have no trouble picking it out of the bunch i have laid out Craig C
  23. Gotta love the swing Classic quote just now from my 6 year old Daughter Kaitlyn " This music is making me move i and dont want to "
  24. I thought " bonce about " was interesting Mainly due to the size and the reference to agate http://books.google.com.au/books?id=adEBAAAAQAAJ&dq=games%20of%20marbles&pg=PA21#v=onepage&q=games%20of%20marbles&f=false
  25. Gee thats disappointing was hoping to learn something about this Maybe give it a couple months and try them again Jeroen
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