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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. Excellent display Joep, I like em, they hold a surprising amount of mibs !!
  2. Chad G.

    Any ideas?

    I agree, Alley !! Nice ribbon color combo !!
  3. Looks like those first few have "Cat scratch Fever" ....
  4. Alright, "Thanks for the pics" I think I may have one or 2, time to dig again, I'll let ya know how goes the progress.
  5. Isn't it weird that every time I look at my clambroths they seam a little more weathered ?? Like they fall apart all by themselves, I've isolated one to see if the glass actually deteriorates by itself or not. Sounds crazy I know bout after close inspection over the years it sure seams to be true ?? Guess we'll find out "maybe" ?? AH, nice mibs yes !!
  6. "Happy Thüringen Thursday" True "Pee - Wee's" all below the .50" mark No visible facets on this agate, doesn't mean they're not there, I may be blind but I haven't seen that many hand faceted mibs this small.
  7. I think you nailed it Steph !! My brain was on vacation as usual !! !! !!
  8. Not Pelt, not a liberty, some form of W. Va. swirl. Looks like Alley !! Looks like a newer manufacture or Champion ??
  9. Never seen a split pea before Ron, for sure an example I'd love to save in my Vitro I.D. folder if you can find the time to post a pic ?? It'll come in handy next time I'm asked this question !!
  10. I've seen many atmospheres sell for over $100.oo this year and many, many for just under $100oo, yes, certainly getting scarce and HTF. Wish I had started collecting them long ago when they were only a couple bucks each ??
  11. I was going to buy one of each at one time from a long time Champion mib collector, he said the price range went all the way from $20.oo to well over $100.oo for wet mint examples, depending on color, not sure which s which though ??
  12. Man, that Pelt Superboy and the lutz are outstanding, what a score Chris !! What am I talkin about, they're all killer
  13. Both of the Heaton mibs shown are VHTF from what I'm told, I got lucky I guess ??
  14. Nice selection Gladys, I have a thing for furnace marbles, some real beauties !!
  15. # 6 might be Heaton ?? I'm not sure & 9 I'm on the fence
  16. "Welcome to Marble Connection" Some pics, hope these help ya out, again "Welcome" HEATON BLUE DENIM Blackberry, Unnamed, Blue Denim
  17. Vacor I/D. site, hope this helps bit. I have to use it continually just for the sheer number of differently named marbles they produced. This by no means I.D.'s all of them just the best Vacor (mega) site I know of. LINK : https://www.billes-en-tete.com/liste_billes.php?lang=en
  18. There is a big Vacor following, trying to get a bag of every vacor ever made, and some VHTF first runs. I believe a certain rendering of the "Scorpion" is the hardest to find ?? Vacor has been around since 1934., there only competition now is China.
  19. 1 # Vitro 2 # Vacor 3 # Veiligglas 4 # Veiligglas 5 # Marble King 6 # ?? 7 # Size ?? 8 # Veiligglas 9 # size ??
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