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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. Another "Sharp Shooter" Header, all of them I found say out of stock, so several different headers though this one does say, online toys Australia www.onlinetoys.com.au. Which says their out of stock so "all gone" maybe a few bags floating around Ebay somewhere ?? Ah, found a bag for sale, these certainly resemble Vacor, especially the ones pictured on the header !! LINK : https://www.mrtoys.com.au/novelties/impulse-and-novelty/marbles-assorted-350g-in-cdu-24753.html
  2. Guess this was correct after all, I'll bet those were Vacor mibs they just gave them a different looking Header w/ a Cowboy & Kangaroo on it as some kinda marketing ploy to sell more in Australia ??
  3. Chad G.


    Hey, I think I see a woman w/ a bag of cabbage hiding behind Herbie
  4. This is the lower (R) hand corner of the third "Sharp Shooter" header, same header as # 1, you can barely make out "Mexico" All The other images of vintage "Sharp shooter" headers say "Made In Mexico" and the newer looking ones that are for sale have no visible provenance anywhere. I got lots of replies when I googled "Where were Sharp shooter marbles manufactured, no headers like these, similar that they were round but all different colors and no "Cowboy & Kangaroo"
  5. Well your curiosity has lead you to the right place, this is it, you'll find many, many posts on different peoples hobbies here amongst other things. Have fun !!
  6. I have many posts here, an outdoorsman I enjoy nature and anything to do ew/ it. Fishing, gourmet mushroom hunting etc... many of us have loads of posts here, very revealing as to get to know the person through what they like to do. You're artwork is great, can't wait to get something new & refreshing on my wall It's due for a facelift !!
  7. I have loads and loads of frames and my friend does framing as a hobby, matting, borders triples everything what ever I want so yes, I'm in for a couple, just gotta make up my mind !!
  8. Yes, yes, very reasonable, you'll have a sale here pretty shortly, I'm looking things over, some great work and as you said I see several different thigs in the picture every time I look at them, what do you call, Uh, impressionist art ??
  9. Ah ! can't get it to play, tried several different things, you'll get it !!
  10. Alright, beautiful, great work !! How?? paint, alcohol and air to push it ?? You're Avatar almost has a face on it !! "Thank you for posting your work, will you sell any prints or originals if I may ask ??
  11. Hmm ?? I'm getting the run round trying to find the manufacture location of the "Sharp Shooter" mibs. The 1981 one say "sold in Australia" but it won't confirm a location or show a place of manufacture on any of the labels, really strange, I looked at tons of pictures, and you can get some new ones right now from various stores but not a one of them specifies the manufacture or country of origin when you click on specifications ??. I'm really quite perplexed, when I click on any pic of the vintage bag or listing it says something went wrong, I've tried everything, even skirting around it, "Nothin" I'll get to the bottom of it or someone will !! The newer bags suggest an Australian based manufacture ?? Oh boy, the link I copied won't respond either, goes to the same message "somethings wrong" & "try later" It shows the sharp shooter header but that's it ?? Grrrr, what a trip, I thought for sure these were Vacor ?? They might be but like Steph said I've never heard of them before either. Maybe someone will hear me ?? Ready ... Heeeelp !!!!!!!! ... Wait on it ... wait ...
  12. This is all I could find on "Sharp Shooter Marbles" evidently not Vacor I guess ?? They sure look like it, I did find some newer bags of them being sold in Australia & the look exactly like Vacor, I'll dig a bit more, here's all I could find, the server wouldn't respond ??
  13. William is there right now also !!
  14. Great, see ya in the lounge !!
  15. As you can see I actually found a picture of cabbage head. Evidently not the master of planning ahead, a "Super Genius" Musta got his cabbage makin sandwich license & card from this guy ?? Just in case ya need one for a trip, or don't remember how to make a cabbage sandwich here's the link, guess you must get a card upon completion of a long & rigorous training course ?? LINK : https://www.etsy.com/listing/1029156599/road-runner-wile-e-coyote-genius-10?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=
  16. Cab what ???? Oh boy, well when she's on the plane then maybe ?? What a trip, cabbage ..... ....
  17. Morning William, a restless night I take it ?? Me too, sounds like a good kid, "great man" At least you can rest a little easier knowing someone's there to see her off.
  18. Cool, I enlarged it 500% to try and decipher the pic and seen the signature. I like the new look !! This is what I seen at 500 mag, I could just barely make out the first name, maybe you could post some of your favorite work on "The Lounge" thread ?? I'm always up for something new & interesting !! A great place to share non marble related things relax, maybe joke around a little, kind of a get to know other board members a little better, share other hobbies, trips, etc.. just about anything you want to share !! Some funny stuff there. Mibs, mibs, mibs ....... can make "Johnny a dull boy ". So a point of refuge for many from & this & this & some more of this can make you like this
  19. I can't really tell Brother?? They make the new stuff in much the same as the old, a real piece can get really spendy, by that I mean in the thousands $$ for some mint examples. I'm sure someone that knows a lot more about Millefiori will post, "Alan" has some newer pieces he's posted and seems pretty up on the subject so hopefully he'll see this thread ?? "Nice Piece Brother" I understand these are a lot of work and not just anybody can make them ?? You can see the construction, all separate individual different colored canes. I think the record is a piece of Clichy that went for at or over a hundred grand $100,000. Here's a piece for sale I googled real quick !! A pretty good size website to check outw/ new and antique examples, have fun diggin Brother !! LINK : https://www.thepaperweightcollection.com/products/extremely-rare-antique-clichy-newel-post-finial-with-complex-concentric-millefiori
  20. Relax Brother !! You earned it !! Myself I'd be examining the inside of my eyelids for at least couple hours, stay safe man
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