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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. True !! The so named "eyelash marks" are caused by dull shears, Akro lemonade patch, both sides, same mib !!
  2. 1& 47/64ths, 1.73" lots of bubbles but no surface pops or dimples, not even a scratch or fleabite, a big one & one of my cleanest. Ground & faceted pontil & a melted pigtail on the other end. Simple but one of my favorite hand mades. Here with a couple other favorites, I still love hand mades
  3. Looks like Alley to me ?? Some form of W.Va. swirl, I don't see any Christensen indicators !!
  4. Meow !! 🐱....... Hyaah !!........ ............
  5. These pictures look strangely familiar !! Nice mibs Chuck, now Peltheads have a new thread for a go to every Tuesday !! Thanks for postin the pix
  6. X 2, I agree, whacked out Alley, cool mib
  7. Yeah, glad you noticed that Ric, gonna come in handy, I checked your post and yes correct they all show my local time, now I have to get out a calculator or MapQuest every time I want to see when someone posted their time, looks like I'll soon become "very familiar" with times for individual towns and states.
  8. 06/28/2021 11:45 PM, I hadn't even tried hoovering over it like that !!
  9. Ah Ha !! Sweet resolution, exactly 3 hours time difference, so I did post at 11:45, Phew I thought I got myself in trouble again. You must live fairly close to Indianapolis ??
  10. I don't think the time is adjusted, thus the 2:44 AM time you see, I know it would be most convenient, instead of having to take a course in calculous to figure out when someone posted. I bet the time difference is pretty close to 3 hours between us ??
  11. It's 9:10 am here, post says 9 hours ago so I know I was just under the starting gate when I came up with the brilliant Idea to post at quarter till 12:00, though I was up till 3;00 AM
  12. Those mibs on the bottom look strangely familiar to me ??
  13. My timing again as usual was impeccable, I think I posted this thread at 11:45 last night
  14. "You're right" I guess they had "Get along little doggies" a little backwards !! Hyaah
  15. Well, it's still Tuesday, no last minute posts this time (maybe) Peltier NLR Tiger (Blue Av.) taken in the sunlight Same mib, inside lighting
  16. Chad G.

    Phew !!

    3:00 AM, house is cooled off, time to hit the hay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
  17. There we go, I started one off in the morning, not saying we'll all stick to Tuesday but I'll give it a shot. A Peltier NLR Ruby Bee ( must have av. in the red) to be considered a Ruby Bee, otherwise it's a Red Bee
  18. Somewhere along the line Oop !!............................................. Ah well it was worth a try !! Might as well let er Rip at this rate
  19. I know !! another W.Va. mib but another good discussion point, I'll try and stick to Monday but if I keep posting these new queries so late ?? Anyhow I'll just keep it to one mib (maybe). Two different views of the same mib under different lighting, a "Marble King Blended spiderman" I'll try and post these "Daily's" in the morning from now on.
  20. Mostly black with some silver "no blue", black being more common in Alley other than green. The other side of the same mib, the av. gets so thick it's ridiculous !! Still one of my favorites, Why do I keep saying that ?? All mibs are my favorites !! Sorry for the blur on this one, another freehand attempt.
  21. Chad G.

    Phew !!

    "Bear" handed ..... 🤣..... !!
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