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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. I have the one you sent me and it's American counterpart, hang on a sec I gotta download the pix from my camcorder to my P.C.. Ok !! got done the one on the left is the, thus far unidentified foreign mib I got from the Joep in the Netherlands, the one on the right is a familiar Vitro. The opposite side of the one from the Netherlands just has the white base on it. but the colors of the patches are intense !! You can see where the color patches end on both sides of the mib on the left. Another mib from a friend that won't be leaving my collection. Be nice when we finally find out the provenance on these ??
  2. Yep !! I started it late on Wednesday but everyone wants to keep posting so have at er I guess. I'm gonna save a few for next Wednesday myself, so we have something to talk about !!
  3. Chad G.

    Bless you

    Just took pics of one I found along the beach where I fish, last year I found a bunch there just walking around, even some in the pine trees in low lying branches, one was shaped like mount St. Helens and panted as such, a real work of art !! I'll post the other one soon, a real beauty !! Ah !! I have te pix of the rock, a very nice job of painting plus they enameled over it, gonna be a bit before this one wears off.
  4. They look to be all Alley to me !!
  5. Killer mib !! I have a couple just like this somewhere !! I hate it when you can't find a mib, hopefully someone comes up with an I.D ??
  6. Thanks Tommy !! Almost time to take some more pics, I'm starting to mix a bit of other colors in there, don't want to do that (or do I ?? )
  7. Killer, one and all, I really like what you did with the coffin box, I'm gonna get a few more myself, I love em !!
  8. You got it, both W.Va. manufacturers, MK still is, for a whir anyway !!
  9. Yes !! Av. one of my first av. marbles if not the first, it may have been a pelt I'm not sure ?? You have some West Virginia mibs, there were many different manufacturers from W.Va. Hopefully others will post theirs and I can learn something about them, I seem to have a hard time I.D.ing some W.Va. mibs !!
  10. I thought maybe a new query would stir things up a bit !! Postings of your favorite or any other W.Va. manufactured mib !! One of my all time favorite mibs, the Alley Shimmering Spruce :
  11. Leaning on the side of Master also, Just for giggles does the base react when you put a u.v. light to it ??
  12. x 3, Jabo, good pic of the infamous (But crack)
  13. Chad G.

    Back up !!

    WoW !! haven't slept in like this in months, Oh, mornin' !!
  14. Chad G.

    Back up !!

    I'm starting to think in reverse, see you all tomorrow at marblethirty, bright & early !!
  15. A bit of yellow but I guess were not throwing hand grenades
  16. I think I spotted 3 suspects (victims?) last night tweeking out by the dumpster ??
  17. Mediocre madness, at least I found something, this has to be the driest marble area in the U.S I go up to and a bit over 50 miles in every direction and this is te best I can drum up, Ah !! well I did score a few onesie's and some Akro ware in the last month so not a complete loss. I guess some of these will be good for my toe exercises the doc ordered. Yeah !! That's it, I was having trouble making up my mind which ones to use anyway !! Problem solved, there are a couple really nice pelts an Alley or two and a few masters in thus bunch so I'm not so bummed. At this rate I'll have muscles on my toes like Popeye has on his forearms.
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