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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. This one is a Patch. Marble--On!!
  2. akroorka


    JABO Tribute’s Last Dance 12/16/08 had a Flamenco named/listed. Here is a link to an “All About Marbles” thread that may clear things up a bit for you Joe2. https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/viewtopic.php?t=38582&sid=39ef2582a19572773ac96886ff9b7197 Thanks to nantucketdick! Marble—On!!
  3. akroorka


    It could be a Jabo Fire---that red color makes me say it. Marble--On!!
  4. Well, it looks like it wants to be a patch type---tuff one. Vitro is as good as any choice for me. Marble--On!!
  5. I see blue, yellow and white in a transparent green base. No clue either---pretty cool! Marble—On!!
  6. akroorka

    Pelt ?

    Thats a crazy cool one Fire, I would put it with my Pelts---all the Kokomos go there too---some day I may sort them better. Marble--On!!
  7. I see a Pelt also. Marble--On!!
  8. Nice marble! I would keep it with my Akros too. Marble--On!
  9. This looks like a cool thing bumblebee---I just cannot make the video work on my PC. Marble--On!!
  10. Bring them on Joe2!! Marble--On!!
  11. This one looks like a Jabo to me. Marble--On!!
  12. I see a Jabo here Fire---- Marble--On!!
  13. This is a very cool marble---3/4"--no name from me---just cool as---he##---well?? You call it--I love the fold/seam. Marble--On!!
  14. This is a nice bunch--show us more when they arrive. Marble--On!!
  15. The one on the left is a Peltier “Muddy” the right one is a Peltier “Rainbo”—maybe a “Bloody”. I love Muddys. Marble—On!!
  16. Nice helmets Gladys---I wish that the one without the stripes was brown---Go Cleveland!! Martble—On!!
  17. Size? I have not ever seen a double ingot Pelt---So I will call this one an ??? or a---??? It is more than likely a Champion Nice marble!! Marble—On!!
  18. I agree--a very nice marble Fire regardless. Woodies just look—well like wood---with wood like colors and structure. I will post a few below of what I think may be “Woodies”---I love the wood looking aspect of these—some of my very first and very favorite Pelts. Marble—On!!
  19. Another great one Gladys--keep em coming!! Marble--On!!
  20. A very nice old marble---it may be "batch glass". Marble--On!!
  21. akroorka


    Nice marble, regardless of the name Fire. Marble--On!!
  22. I am right there with Tommy---good one! Marble--On!!
  23. Slag vs swirl, always a good question. These are both WestVirginiaSwirls in my opinion. Not Akro. Vaseline will glow brightly under UV light, hard to tell with yours, it may glow. Marble—On!!
  24. Yes, MK with that big chunky AV stuff. Nice one! marble--On!!
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