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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. Condition is the big item for marble value. Even a tiny chip can decease value by half or more. So, with cat's-eyes, they pretty much need to be mint to have value. The larger ones (of same type) would generally be worth more than the smaller ones. I don't have a percentage increase. As far as types, in the foreign ones, the cross-through types where instead of 3 different color pairs of vanes (side-by-side), you have the 3 different colors across from each other. I'll post a picture. Also, the Vitro style cat's-eyes, which I don't think I have seen in your picturs yet, are sometimes more valuable when they are hybrids - meaning 2 or 3 colors in the same vane. I'll post a picture of those, too. So, that's a beginning of an answer.
  2. Top two rows, except for the middle-middle fit into the WV swirls category. The middle-middle looks like it might be Akro oxblood. The bottom left is probably another WV swirl but slight chance of Akro corkscrew. Middle bottom fits into the Akro eggyolk color that you had asked about in another post corkscrew. Bottom right is Peltier and that is a "great" example of a Peltier "Blowout" that seemed to happen pretty frequently. Not a good thing value-wise but an interesting example.
  3. None that would fall in the Akro Eggyolk category. Most are Peltier Rainbos.
  4. Here is a picture of one that someone found in a flea market last year. Is this the type that you are looking for? If so, I can contact the collector and let them know you are interested in information.
  5. Crackle or fried jewelry - some packaging
  6. Vacor group also for Mega/Vacor marbles - search Vacor
  7. Agree on cheese's IDs
  8. Once your pictures are on your computer and in a folder, if you right-click on the specific picture name or # in the folder, there should be an "Open With" command and going to that might give you an option "Paint". That is a good option to resize your picture - either by pixels or percentage. Trying to keep it simple. I attached a screen pic that hopefully will help.
  9. No dings there! Thanks for sharing.
  10. As many of you know, I have been back selling on eBay for the last 6 months or so – putting 3 items per day to see how that would work. One thing that I found out is that it makes it tougher for the multiple sales with combined shipping (which is fine with me) but they may drag over several days. So, I am now going to try putting several (up to 10) items of same type on the same day – like Akro multi-twist corkscrews on one day, or some patches or Alleys or marbles other than corkscrews, or Marble King packaging, or Mega/Vacor packaging, or Vitro packaging, or odds & ends packaging. I figure that way buyers can get the ones they want and with combined shipping and it’ll be easier for me to handle. So, please keep an eye out for my eBay listings and hope you find something to add to your collection. Please let me know if there are specific marbles, bags, etc. that you need. I have a lot of duplicates or ones that I no longer need to collect (just sold over 100 Alleys to a collector). My eBay ID is arasmus and the eBay link is http://www.ebay.com/sch/arasmus/m.html?_ipg=50&_sop=12&_rdc=1
  11. That last group looks like mostly newer marbles (last 15 years or so) except for the brown/white/red on left (Vito All Red). The one you singled out might be older but hard to tell from the one view. Good pictures by the way.
  12. Al Oregon


    Those larger sizes also have me thinking of the various Jabo or DAS/Sammy Runs that had oxblood in their runs.
  13. I think Jabo or the DAS runs done in the last 10 years or so.
  14. Common foreign types - usually Japanese - nickel/dime value at most.
  15. In resizing there is usually some kind of feature to keep the horizontal and vertical sizes reduced by the same percentage. That would alleviate the distorted looking pics.
  16. Great find! Maybe an architect "studier" can date the house?
  17. Top one does look like newer Asian made marble - commonly called "Imperial" as they are found in packaging by the Imperial Toy Company (Not made by them, just packaged after they bought them from various Asian sources).
  18. When posting pictures, a couple of different views of the marbles will help. These are both machinemades as opposed to handmades. The one with the red patch, as Steph mentioned, might be Jabo or a little bit older Master or Akro patch - many similar marbles with just he one view.
  19. I gotta go with contemporary.
  20. Well, I went through some old pictures and found some posted by JH 9-03 (might be Jeff Hale?). One might have three colors but put it in anyway.
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