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Everything posted by wvrons

  1. Steph has been here dedicated for the long haul. She has seen many ups and downs, hundreds come and go. The main glue here over many years has been Steph. THANK YOU ! And many more years ahead !
  2. You are correct Master Glass was around until June 1, 1974. My date of 1947 is when the majority of marble production slowed down to almost no play marbles. In 1951 Master bought most of Akro remaining marbles, packaging, and glass formulas. From 1947 to !974 many of the play marbles Master sold were made by Akro. My bad ! Not ending 1947 Master Glass and Master Made 1930 to 1974.
  3. You will have much better luck for marbles in PA antique stores than WV.
  4. Over twenty years I have watched ten to twenty or more auction sites try to compete in marbles with Ebay. None of them had any long success. Bad deals are everywhere online. I have heard of bad deals on Facebook. It is much easier to lie to someone on a keyboard than it is face to face. If the newbies would return all the junk or any they are not satisfied with ? The bad sellers would get tired of returns and change or stop. What online auction service has any better buyer protection. Don't like it send it back. Ebay is set up for the buyer not the seller. I have had a couple cases per year the last 3-4 years with Ebay sellers. Ebay sided with me the buyer each and every time. I wish Ebay would police the marble listings some. But they would need a experienced marble collector full time to even discourage one out of every thousand wrong marble listings. Know before you buy. I have bought from some Ebay sellers for 20 years and not one problem. A deal to good to be true, probably is correct. Lots of marbles are 95% of the time a gamble. Gamble and lose then cry. Gamble and win then shout it. Any auction any place know what you are buying.
  5. There is nothing much left to dig. Even at that, if the police catch you digging or with digging tools on any old Akro property. You may get a free tour of the Clarksburg jail. There is no longer many regular sellers of Akro marbles in Clarksburg since the digs ended. There are a one or two who will tell you anything and take your money.
  6. Is it Vitro or foreign to the US ?
  7. BIG difference. I would be surprised if anyone here for one year or more would consider the blue and red one a Vitro helmet.
  8. My info has Master Marble Clarksburg WV May 20, 1930-1941. A reorganized version of Master Marble was Master Glass Co. August 1, 1941-1947. NO where near 1973 or 1974 ???????????
  9. wvrons


    I agree the original one as Jabo.
  10. The online source I use for buying and selling the most for 20+ years has been Ebay. Do not rely on Ebay marble listings for correct identifications or all the false claims. I do not know of any place in the world where you daily have as many marbles for sale or sellers and buyers as on Ebay.
  11. wvrons


    They are also in my collection.
  12. I have never in twenty years seen so many pictures and marbles put into one post for identification. No way I am attempting to try and keep track of sorting and identifying this many in one post. You have German handmades, corkscrew, swirls, slags, Vacor, foreign cat eyes, on and on. Number one thing with collectors around marbles is condition. No matter how old, new or rare, condition is number one. Most of these have heavy damage.
  13. wvrons

    HG Akro?

    Yes the Akro diggers called them bricks. But they are not true bricks. Several five gallon buckets were dug over a good amount of time. I have seen two and three gallons of these on a bed at shows years ago.
  14. wvrons


    Correct Alley Superman made at the St.Marys location. Like this one most have annealing fractures in the yellow and red. The glass coefficient was to far apart with the red and yellow glass.
  15. William you found a keeper. She is going to move her teacups so you have a place for your glass ??????????
  16. Score, those are nice looking marbles.
  17. Someone is going to need more and larger display cabinets. Then comes more lighting. Then comes the dust.
  18. With all marbles, condition is the number one factor. No matter how old, how rare, what ever, condition is collectors number one concern. A mint $500.00 marble, the same at near mint minus is $50.00 . A $10.00 mint marble at near mint is $2.00 . A $1.00 mint marble at near mint is zero$. Learning to grade marbles correctly is a big key to buying, selling or trading. Many people learn to identify marbles before they learn to grade them. No matter what it is, if you cannot grade it, you will have a hard time putting a dollar value on it. mint 9.0 - 10.0 Probably is no such thing as a 10.0 Mint or mint- There is no mint + If it is mint, it is mint. You may see marble listings for sale as wet mint. I am not sure what that means ? If it is a dull marble it probably is not mint. near mint 8.0 - 8.9 near mint - near mint near mint + collectible is below 8.0 Most below 8.0 are very low dollar value or zero. Ok to learn from.
  19. Most people know the Peltier flip flop. I did not put it into words very good. I do not see the colors flip flop in this marble above. Peltier flip flop where the ribbon color ends at the cut lines. blue meets green green meets blue The marble above where the ribbon color ends at the cut lines. red meets white red meets white If Peltier flip flop it would be red meets white white meets red
  20. The fold or butt crack is a Vitro trait that followed over onto Jabo marbles. Now people call it the Jabo butt crack. But it also appears on as many Vitros as Jabos. It happens a lot when there is a very short glass stream from the furnace to the shear. The glass stream does not have time to turn or twist as it falls, It is so short that it just folds over on itself or into itself as it hits the shear plate or blade. It makes the color form a V or wing pattern where the glass was pulled as it folded into itself. It is sometimes a rough roll mark,. Not cold roll mark just a roll mark. The marble above looks like it has a crease or roll mark that you could feel. Where the white folded inside with the brown. The actual shear cut lines will be on both sides of the fold, out some space from the fold. It is not a Jabo. Peltier flip fop is when the four colored, two different colors ribbons meet the opposite color at the cut lines or seams. Two ribbons of blue and two ribbons of green. The end of one blue ribbon meets the end of the green ribbon at the cut line where they meet. Peltier is the only company that does this regularly as standard production. I never understood how that happened or how it was done. Until I saw some original Peltier equipment blue prints. Then it was simple. I was shocked that no other company did it .
  21. wvrons


    Yes I had the wrong year. The Jabo run was 2011. I think Cheese solved it. With the size it has to be Alley.
  22. wvrons


    The Jabo run was about 2009. If 3/4 or just a little over ? They are likely Jabo.
  23. A good friendly honest discussion is great. If it is friendly, honest and not attacks. In the end someone always learns more. There are many unanswered questions around marbles and we need to have a open mind to keep moving forward. I have learned something new every week for the past 25 years with marbles. I have never found a human yet that knew everything about marbles. Some may have thought they did. I remember you having some good endings and teaching me Ric. Ten people can look at the same marble and at least five of them will look at or see something that the others do not. Each one of those five or six may see something different that the other people do. Open eyes and also open mind is required for marbles.
  24. wvrons


    At Jabo we made some exactly like these(first two)in the WV run. But they are all 3/4 or near 3/4 inch size. I am not sure of any 7/8 Jabo like these but possible ? This is why I ask the size. When I saw them I automatic thought Jabo WV run.
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