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Everything posted by wvrons

  1. My answer to Ric was my thoughts. Asian or European ? Not Masters. Meaning my thoughts or opinion is, possible Asian or second guess is European. But I did not think they were Master. Both are best guess. I do not know where, who or when these were made ? Yes my first and best guess was some type odd Asian cat eye. My second guess might be a unknown European cat eye. I did not say Cat Eye because I was sure that was the style or type Ric would consider them being. I think your question was. Do I think it is a possible odd Asian Cat Eye? The answer is yes Asian or European ? Question mark meaning, I am not sure or I don't know. But I did not mention the cat eye type or style. For me the last twenty years, I have seen more odd cat eye marbles attributed to Asia by collectors than attributed to Vacor. But collectors I know including myself have very little proof or documentation of this. Other than a few packages marked from Asian countries. It is a assumption by many collectors. I know what assumption makes. But that is all I have to go with now. If I had new or better info about these marbles or any Asian marbles I would share it asap. As everyone knows I make some long post trying to explain why I say something, or posting old and any new info I get from any source. Just surprised that I had to explain why I said Asian. That makes the answer or id very wide, several countries and who knows how many makers. In other words maybe what I should have posted is, I don't know. I am interested in Vacor Cat Eyes now. What do most(not all)of the pre 1990 Vacor Cat Eye marbles look like ? What different traits do they have from USA, European or Asian Cat Eyes ? You will have to ask lots of questions to ever catch up with the numbers I have ask. I know lots of people hated to see me knocking on their door. Or walking into their room at a show. Now at shows, I am the one trying to hide more. Stay quiet ? I don't know ? Asian or European ? Not sure which is best for me to use ?
  2. Most times when some collectors say from Asian or European. That means a couple different things. First is that they do not know exactly who made the marble or exactly what country it was made in or exactly when. Which may include Korea-China-Philippines-Taiwan- sometimes India. European may include Europe- Germany-UK-France-etc. Imperial packaged marbles made in Mexico in Los Angeles in the 1970's. Imperial packaged marbles made in the far east starting in mid 1980's. Many time collectors refer to Asian as marbles packaged by Imperial Toy Company. They bought marbles from cheap sources in the 1970's-80's from Mexico, then in the mid 1980's from the far east. Many or these marbles from the far east countries look similar to some master marbles. With similar cut line, colors, style. These can also resemble some Whispler marbles made by Irene manufacturing in the UK. Myself when I see a unusual or odd cat eye type. I do not think Vacor Mexico. I think more from Asia. That for sure can be wrong. Maybe Vacor made lots more unusual cat eye marbles than I know of ? I thought that the marble pictured above had vanes like a cat eye, with ribbons or striping on the surface. I could not date or tell you for sure what was any 1960's or 1980's Asian marbles. Unless it is in a original package. Plus we all know package label's are not all correct or always match what marbles may be inside. That is for foreign and USA. I am surprised by your question. I thought you were becoming the expert on non USA marbles. I thought you knew all about Asian marbles, Imperial, Whisplers, Vacor, European, etc. marbles. If you think or know it was Vacor ? Why not just post that ? There are thousands or millions of different marbles in the world that I do not know, seen or heard about. Many of those will get lumped together by me as Asian, or European, depending on looks. I feel that I do know more Vacor(not all)than Asian made marbles. Asian covers a lot of countries and who knows how many makers ???? A sparkler style or type, I may say European sparkler not, Akro sparker. A slight green tinted base multi vane cat eye, I might say Asian cat eye. A opaque marble with three stripes or ribbons ends coming to near a point. I might say from Imperial or Asian made. Many times when Asian or European is said. That means I do not know exactly who made it, what country or time frame. I am just confident that it was not made in the USA. Most times letting the owner know that I think it is not a Master or Vitro or Peltier, etc. USA made. I am sure that I need more education on Vacor cat eye marbles. Glad to know the one above could be Vacor. I don't know what they are ? Or probably best that if I am not sure to just be quiet and not make confusion attaching Asian or European to something I don't know. I may have to look at certain marbles better and leave them for someone else to answer the question ? Maybe less opinion and only what I think are facts. OK Ric your turn.
  3. There you go. When in doubt don't go with Ron. These must have been made after Dave left Jabo. Those 5/8 size runs of patch and ribbon marbles always fool me. Some look the same or very close to Vitro's. Once again you can make a swirl, patch or patch and ribbon type marble on the same exact machine.
  4. Vacor made in Mexico. Newer marble. Collector value zero.
  5. I think figure 8's are only machine made.
  6. I agree, the best one that I have ever seen. I have hand it in hand. It is even better in hand.
  7. Hybrid Popeye. This color combo is probably the most common hybrid Popeye. Green/yellow/ brown, Green/brown/orange. Sometimes the brown is actual burnt orange.
  8. Better check around. I don't think this is Akro. I am sure it is not Akro.
  9. The majority were 5/8 and 11/16 size. I have not seen a normal standard 7/8 Akro sparkler.
  10. Asian or European ? Not Masters.
  11. Looks Peltier to me.
  12. I see the problem. They sure are close to Master cut lines and also Master color combo.
  13. I live about one hour from the Blenko factory. Sometimes I think that I should have collected it. But many of their pieces can be large. I did not want to build a house to display it. That is a serious collector, which is great. I thought marbles would not take up much space. But when there is enough numbers after 25+ years. You can run out of space to display them. There are several Blenko collectors here in the area. They camp out or wait overnight outside the factory for certain limited pieces to come up for sale. Like marbles when old and rare pieces do rarely come up for sale here, they do not last long.
  14. The Red Baron above was found by Chuck(cheese). I am still looking for one. But I still have a couple buckets of dirty Heaton's yet. If I ever clean them ?? I like to leave some dirty from each dig. Someone in the future can have the fun or leave them dirty ? Cleaning dug marbles is going to disappear and not to far off. Many sites are empty or not worth the effort.
  15. Bill nice display with the two Akro lamps.
  16. They came from the same spot, in one hole, about 3-5 minutes apart. The best two Heaton's I have ever seen. They were pocket marbles. They did not go in the bucket. Lucky they were in with lots of mud and water. The water allowed them to be seen even with the wet dirt. Enough was clean to be seen and into the pocket. Heaton was the first place that I ever dug a marble from the dirt about 24 years ago. It took a lot of years and lots of moving dirt to finally get these two prizes. I took my grandson there to dig marbles with me when he was five years old. He is now 27 years old.
  17. Heaton did not make any marbles this big. #1 Alley #2 ???? messed up.
  18. Vitro= Biscuits and Red Eye Gravy. Akro Imperial
  19. I still have a possibility of Vitro in my head. Most Jabo this size have roll marks and or orange peel. I have never seen any killer pattern like this on a one inch Jabo. Yes 3/4 but not one inch. There are three or four other killer unusual Vitros here. It sure would be nice to have it in hand. Where is Josh ?
  20. A few Heaton memories. The wood display box was a hand made gift from Cheese (Chuck). Made of wood found at the Heaton marble site. What a precious gift. Lots of sweat was lost at this site by several people saving history.
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